How Things Come Undone

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(Yuki's POV)

Oh~! So, Author-san really allowed me to share my thoughts, huh~? Alright then~. You guys have seen how Yoonie treats me, right~? Whoops, I meant Yoongi. He absolutely hates my guts~. Ha.....I can't blame him. What I did....even I continue to beat myself up for it....It was part of my job, though ~. I couldn't ignore the mission I was given even if I wanted too~. *chuckle* The irony of it all was that I had read a book mentioning the story of Cain and Able before carrying out the mission...Well.....This makes me a kin slayer, huh~?.......


Rest in peace, imouto-chan~.........


(3rd Person POV)

13 Years Ago.....

"Oh, Yoonie~!" 

"Yah! I said I don't like that name!"

"Aigoo~! My itoko is sooooo cute~!"

"Yah! I'm only two years younger than you!" Huffing in anger, a 12 year old Min Yoongi gazed up at his 14 year old cousin, annoyed. He just couldn't understand why his cousin Yuki was obsessed with him so much. It was, in all honesty, quite annoying to him. Pushing the taller boy off of him, he scowled before his face lit up.

"Suuuuuuggaaaaaa~!!!" With a wide grin, he turned to the owner of the voice, opening his arms wide. Jumping into his arms and looping her own around the boy, the spunky, 11 year old Hikari Yamada grinned widely.

"Kyaa!!! I've missed you so much, Nii-chan!"

"Ive missed you too, Kari."

"Hey! I'm the Nii-chan!"

".......Eh.....No, not really."

"S-S-So m-m-m-mean!!!" The two laughed at the eldest, who was crying in the corner of the room. Glaring at them, he got up and went over to lean his arm on top of Yoongi's head.

"Say, Hikari. Why do you call him Suga anyway?" The said girl grinned widely and took her cousin's arm in her hands. Pushing the sleeve of his black sweater up, she held up his arm.

"Have you seen his skin?! Its white, like sugar. That's why I call him Suga."

"Ooooohhhhh....Now it makes sense...." Rolling his eyes, Yoongi snatched his arm back and smiled at the two. They were weird but, they were family.


6 Years Later.....

Yoongi sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Today, he was going to audition for BigHit (A/N: I'll add the video at the end). If all worked out well, he'd be a trainee, starting off his career in the music industry. However, he was reluctant to go. His cousins weren't going to be there at the audition so, it made it a bit hard to gather up enough courage to even consider showing up to the building.

They were pretty much considered his best friends, always there when he needed them. Especially Hikari... A smile adorned his lips at the thought of the wild girl. Hikari had grown to...well.....pretty much become a yankee. She was hardly nice to anyone besides her close group of fellow yankees and her family. And she was the one who spent the most time with Yoongi.

Unable to take the nervousness gnawing at his insides, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, quickly scrolling through his contacts. Reaching Hikari's, he tapped her picture and pressed the phone against his ear. He was sure that just hearing her voice would help him get over the anxiety. As the phone continued ringing, he nervously bit at his nails. 'Please pick up, Kari....I don't know if I can do this....' The ringing stopped, making way for a click sound to be heard. A smile lit up Yoongi's face once he heard his nickname.

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