First Eomma, Then The Baby......

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Closing the door of my house, I sighed and kicked my shoes off. I had just gotten off of work and all I wanted to do was relax. I headed to my room, preparing to take a shower when, my phone began ringing. Before I could grab it off my bed, Serenity snatched it up and answered it.

"Yah! Give it back!" She just ignored me and started talking.

"Hello? Oh, hi!....Nope. She's got nothing planned....Sure! Sounds great! She'll meet you at 2~! Alrighty, bye~!" Gaping at her, I snatched my phone back and glanced down at it suspiciously. Looking back up at her smug face, I raised an eyebrow.

"Who was it?"

"Hehe~! 'Twas a man named Kim Seokjin~!"

"W-What?! What, um...What did he want...?"

"For you guys to hang out together. Hurry up and get cleaned up. You're going shopping with him in an hour." With that, she walked out of my room, leaving me to stand there confused. Did she really just....AGREE to something I didn't even know about?! SERIOUSLY!!! A bit upset, I shuffled my way into the bathroom for a quick shower. After getting dressed, I allowed Serenity to torture me with her tools before taking my phone and checking the time. 1:25...Turning to her, I watched as she put her make-up back in her bag.

"Do you even know which mall I'm supposed to meet him at?"

"Yeah. The same mall you guys want to last time. Hurry up and get going!" She pushed me out the door and threw the car keys at my face.

"Pabo! That hurt!"

"Aw, poor baby~! Beat it. Now."

"Tch, fine. Even though I wasn't trying to be a macho man..." (A/N: Yes, I seriously just did that.)

".........I'm about two seconds from slapping you for that......ugh......Go before I......Just go." I snickered at her annoyed expression and hopped in my car.


Walking towards the doors, I spotted Jin looking around, his hands in his pockets. I smiled slightly and went up to him. When he grinned happily.

"Hey, ________-ah."

"Hey, Jin-ssi. I didn't make you wait too long, did I?"

"Oh, no. I came pretty early so, don't worry. Shall we?" I nodded and walked  beside him as we entered the mall. Looking around, Jin's eyes lit up and he grabbed my hand. Him intertwining his fingers with mine caused my face to heat up a bit. He pointed over to a store and looked down at me.

"Come on! Let's go in there, ne?"

"Jin-ssi, that's a women's clothing store...."

"I know! We're gonna look at outfits for you!" Pulling me along, we walked inside. Almost as soon as we stepped foot inside the store, Jin let go of my hand and rushed over to the dress section, gathering as many as he could before throwing them in my arms. Hands on my shoulders, he hurridley pushed me into a dressing room.

"Try them on! I'll wait!"

"B-But...Okay, then...." Deciding to just get it over with, I put on the first dress and walked out. I'm shocked that he even got the right size...I never told him how much I weighed nor my clothing size. When he saw me, Jin's face was shocked before a huge smile graced his lips.

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