Chapter 001

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Mike Wheeler and Will Byers were both crushing on a girl named (Y/F/N). (Y/N) had beautiful (H/L) (H/C) and (E/C). Her (Your figure) figure, beautiful features, and her shy and quiet personality had caught their attention and was not letting it go.

The two boys never talked to (Y/N), they only watched her from afar. However, when Eleven came into the picture, Mike forgot (Y/N) and just focused on her. He and Eleven created a strong bond and eventually, Mike fell in love with Eleven. Which left (Y/N) to Will. Through Will's ordeal of getting stuck in the Upside Down, he started to grow distant from his friends. He felt alone and trapped in this world.

Soon, however, he started to connect with his friends again. This time, though, Eleven had disappeared. Eleven's disappearance created a hole in Mike's heart. He tried to contact her every single day.

One day in school, everyone was getting paired up in groups of 3s for a project. Once everyone was paired up together, Mike and Will informed the teacher that they didn't have a third member.

"Oh, well (Y/N)'s absent today but she can be in your group. Here is the information sheet. This project is worth 70% of your grade, so please do it. At the end, there will be a group assessment sheet, where you will grade your partners, so if someone isn't doing what they're supposed to please let me know on that sheet and they will not receive any credit." Once the teacher was done passing out the sheets of paper, she returned to the front and started explaining the project. "So, I want you all to pick at least three myths, one for each person, and create a two-page report for each. So the whole thing will have 6 pages. I want you to all work together and help each other out. As a team, decide which three myths you'll be picking and then work on it together. Make sure to get each other's numbers and meet at each other's places or here, but out of class time. You'll have today and Thursday to work on this in class, but other than that you'll need to find time outside of class. I want you to turn in the typed up work and I want a tri-fold with the information on there too. You do not have to present, but you can as extra credit. That means if you get a B on the work, if you presented, you can get an A." Once the teacher was done explaining the project, everyone got in their groups.

"I can't believe it," Will started. "(Y/N)'s in our group! That's amazing." Mike nodded in agreement. He too wanted to get to know (Y/N), but he didn't feel the same about her since he has Eleven. Well had.

"For today let's go to my place, then tomorrow we'll ask her where she wants to meet," Mike suggested, his friend thought for a moment then nodded in agreement.

"What should we discuss today? Since (Y/N) is not here." Will asked, as he turned to a clear page in his notebook.

"Um, what we'd wanna work on. We can come up with a few ideas and then we'll ask her tomorrow. Like how to split up the work."

"So one of us does the research, the other types of the work, and the third does the tri-fold?"

"Exactly. We can also come up with a few ideas of myths and then talk to her about it." The boys got started on the work and came up with a few ideas together. They were doing fine, but couldn't make much progress since (Y/N) wasn't there and they also didn't want to do something that maybe she didn't like. They tried to get as much done, while still letting (Y/N) have an idea of what to do.

A/N: How's the first chapter? Hopefully it wasn't too messy, usually, when I write stories I have an outline written, so it helps with the flow and writer's block and helps with plotholes, but this one I kinda just started and I've written a lot, but now that I'm putting it online I need to pay attention to what's going on. Please let me know if I messed up with the characters or with my writing please let me know! Constructive criticism is always welcomed!

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now