Chapter 025

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Dustin and Steve arrived at the junkyard, with the spiked bat in Steve's bag, both having gloves on their hands, and two buckets filled with meat. Steve looked around and towards the school bus. He then nodded in approval.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, this will do." He walked forward taking off his sunglasses. "This will do just fine. Good call dude." This caused Dustin to smile bright. Steve walked forward removing his sunglasses and they both started to drop pieces of meat on the ground. Once they got to a certain spot, they dumped the rest of the meat on the ground.

"I said medium-well!" They heard a voice yell. The two looked up and saw Lucas with his bike... and Max. Lucas was waving, while Max had one hand in her sweater pocket with a smile on her face as she walked towards them.

"Who's that?" Steve asked, looking at Dustin. The curly haired guy just looked forward not saying anything.


"You told her?" Dustin asked Lucas while hiding behind a car.

"So what?" Lucas asked.

"'So what'?" Dustin repeated.

"You wanted to tell her too."
"But I didn't, alright? We all agreed not to tell her and look for Dart."

"Who you conveniently found."

"Are you suggesting that I'm lying?"

"I'm saying you have a creepy little bond with him."

"Yeah, that was before he turned into a Demogorgon." Dustin was pretty irritated at Lucas for not believing him. Well, his lie.

"And you haven't heard from Mike?"

"No." Was all Dustin said.

"Or Will?"



"No!" Dustin yelled, very irritated. "No one is around. Why do you think I'm with Steve Harrington? Something's-"

"Wrong. I agree." Lucas stated, finishing Dustin's sentence. "Which is why need as much help as we can get. They both heard Max grunt and looked up through the little window and watched her. "She didn't believe me anyway."

"You probably didn't tell it right."

"That must be it. So we good?" Lucas asked, holding his hand out. Dustin was about to take his hand when a loud sound came from behind, causing the two to jump. They looked back and saw Steve.

"Hey! Dickheads! How come the only one to help me out is this random girl?" He questioned, pointing towards Max who was moving some things around, doing actual work, unlike the two boys. "We lose light in forty minutes. Let's go. Let's go, I said!"

"Alright, asshole! God!" Dustin yelled, followed by Lucas saying:

"Ok! Stupid."


Lucas climbed to the top of the bus with his binoculars ready. It was dark now and everyone was on the bus, ready to put their plan into action. He held the binoculars up, scoping out the dark and foggy junkyard.

Meanwhile, inside the bus, Steve was playing with his lighter while Dustin paced back and forth. Max was staring at him and finally broke the silence by speaking.

"So you really fought one of those things before?" Steve looked at her and gave a nod, as the memories came rushing back. "And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?"

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Ok? It wasn't a bear." Both Max and Steve looked up at an irritated Dustin. "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home." Max shook her head.

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