Chapter 036

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It was over. Everything was over. The lights all dimmed as the portal shut and everyone breathed out. All the demodogs that were climbing the walls to get to Hopper and Eleven were falling to the ground. Dart breathed out his last breath as he died as well, with all the vines around him too. Hopper hugged Eleven tightly as she cried onto his shoulder. He was trying his best to calm her.

"You did good, kid. You did so good." They sat there for a little while before Eleven spoke up.


"She's gone..."

~**~ One Month Later ~**~

The lab was officially closed off with a sign that warned everyone about it being a restricted area. It was over, the nightmare was over and done with. (Y/N)... wasn't ok though. Her friend Rihna was gone and there was no sign of her coming back. (Y/N) was currently sitting outside on the steps of her porch when her sister came out.

"Hey..." She looked back and gave a brief smile. Gia sat down next to her and gave her a side hug. "She saved us."

"Again. That's all she ever did." (Y/N) smiled at the memory of her and Rihna at the lake. "And we couldn't save her..."

"Hey, she did what she was meant to. She got to finish off her biggest enemy, and along the way she saved a small town."

"She's with her friend now." (Y/N) whispered.


"Yeah. She wasn't alone in the Upside Down. She was with her friend named Nyxiana. They fought together but when the mind flayer came, he infected her. Rihna tried everything to get her back, but it wasn't possible. So she had to kill her. But at least now she's with Nyxiana. With her best friend."

"Yeah, she's probably enjoying some delicious food with her right now. Like we should be eating too." Gia stood and held her hand out, which (Y/N) gladly took and stood up as well. The two walked into the house and went on with their day.

(Y/N) had painted numerous pictures of her friend, in a way to honor her. She gave one to everyone. Mike, Will, Steve, Lucas, Dustin, Max. They gladly took them and had placed them in their rooms or in their house. (Y/N) had even painted Jonathan and Nancy one too so they could have a small reminder of her.

Soon the day came. The day of the Snow Ball. (Y/N) already knew who she was going with.


(Y/N) had dressed up in her pretty (Dress that you like IT MUST BE A DRESS JUST FOR THIS OCCASION). Her (H/L) was left down and was straight, and her sister had done her makeup. She had perfectly matching shoes and accessories to finish off the look. She felt beautiful and was ready to go. Her sister drove her there and was helping out, along with Nancy and Jonathan. Once the two got there, (Y/N) looked at her sister.

"You look great, stop being so worried. He'll love you." The two got out and walked through the gym doors. (Y/N) immediately spotted the boys. Dustin's hair... woah. She walked to them with a bright smile and waved.

"Dustin. Your hair looks awesome."

"See? At least someone appreciates hair fashion." He stated, looking at the others. A slow song had come on and Lucas had already asked Max to dance, albeit awkward, but it got the job done. (Y/N) looked towards Will who was just watching everything.

"Hey, zombie boy. Let's dance." He gave her a smile and nodded as the two walked towards the large group of kids. He placed his hands on her waist and she placed hers on his shoulders. The two slowly swayed to the music and smiled at each other.

"That painting. Of Rihna, it's beautiful. Thank you." Will smiled.

"I miss her so much and just thought... she did so much for us and I feel like this is a great way to honor her." The two smiled at each other. "Thank you. For fighting. And winning."

"I did it for you." He said. She gave a light smile and tilted her head. "I promised I'd fight it for you. And I'd win." She giggled the two slowed to a stop. They gazed into each other's eyes and slowly leaned in until their lips brushed against one another's. They pulled away for one second before kissing again.


"We're running late!" (Y/N) grumbled as she quickly ran to the car, Gia following close behind. (Y/N) was careful in her little heels and opened the door and got in. Gia did too and the two were quickly off to the Snow Ball.

Once they arrived they ran into the gym and met up with their friends. Gia went to Jonathan since Nancy was dancing with Dustin and helped him take pictures. (Y/N) however, looked around for her friends. Then she saw it... Mike and Eleven dancing. She looked down as tears pricked her eyes.

"I was so stupid..." She turned to leave, but something grabbed her hand. Someone. She looked back and saw Mike.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Wh-what do you want?" She questioned quietly.

"I was dancing with El because it was an old promise AND I took the opportunity to explain to her that I like you and wanted to be with you. She understands, of course..." (Y/N)'s cheeks turned red and looked at Eleven shocked, who just nodded without any emotions and walked away to Gia. Mike slowly took her hands.

"So, will you dance with me?" She gave him a small smile and nodded. He led her to the dance floor and slowly placed his hands on her waist and she placed hers on his shoulders.

"You want to be with me?" She asked him, causing him to blush a little as he shyly nodded. "I-I want to be with you too." They gazed into each other's eyes before they felt an unknown force pulling them together. They leaned in a kissed each other. It was sweet and short. (Y/N) smiled and continued dancing. She looked over his shoulder to see Will dancing with another girl, at least he wasn't alone. She returned her attention back to Mike and the two talked and danced all night.

A/N: Awww such a happy ending for (Y/N) ^.^ I put both Mike and Will's scenario in the same chapter, didn't really feel like making two separate chapters for these short things lol.

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