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Hiya! So this is a Q&A I've compiled over time, I've gotten quite a few of the same questions and I'd rather just respond to everyone through this. I will also be editing the book sometime in the future, so in case it sends you notifications of it being updated, that's not the case. Anyway, Let's begin!

Q: Will there be another book? Why or why not?

A: So far, no. I haven't seen season three and when it comes to writing stories like this, I have to watch, come up with a story, then rewatch to get all the dialogue from all the characters. I also have to make sure I'm following the exact timeline and I don't want to mess up and look like an idiot. Currently, I'm not interested in Stranger Things so I don't want to do that. However, maybe further down the line, I will.

Also, another problem I'll face is that it won't be a Mike x Reader x Will, simply because by the end, you're dating your chosen guy. I don't like stories where the reader flirts with another love interest while in a relationship.

Another reason is that currently, I have two other stories I'm working on (My My Hero Academia reader insert and this half done Oneshot book) and it's the same process. I see the show, come up with a story, REWATCH every scene I want to include to get every bit of dialogue (I pause literally every second so I can write the lines of every character and it makes 1 episode that's about 20mins long easily 40+mins).

That'll just take me too long to do both this and that book, along with that other Oneshot book I sorta started. I skipped the first season of Stranger Things and only worked on season 2 which is about 9 episodes (each an hour) for a total of 9ish hours of watching and typing out. MHA has 3 full seasons out and I'm watching all of it so I can rewrite all the dialogue and events as they happened. See my dilemma?? 

Q: Are you Rihna?

A: (I'm sure everyone figured this out as the story went along, but I just thought I'd throw it in here just in case) No, Rihna is a completely separate character that's from the upside-down. I would love nothing more than to make the reader such a badass, but unfortunately, not in this story.

Q: Does anyone like Rihna romantically?

A: No, she's always brash and strict for that reason. She doesn't want to have romantic feelings for anyone or vise Versa.

Q: How old is Rihna?

A: Over 150. She doesn't have a definitive age, but she's over 150.

Q: How old is Gia?

A: Gia is 20, she's old enough to take care of herself and the reader.

Q: Is Rihna really Gia?

A: Hehe... I don't know, is she?

Q: Chapter 2, the reader bites her lip, why?

A: She's nervous, you pervs. I also, myself, have a tendency to chew on my lip or the inside of my cheeks, it has nothing to do with anything sexual.

Q: Bob was saved, why not Barb? Why not save Benny?

A: Rihna wasn't able to save Barb, she was too late. Unfortunately, Benny wasn't in the upside-down, so Rihna couldn't save him either.

Q: Rihna x Character?

A: Anyone over 18, go ahead.

Q: Gia x Steve?

A: Sure, go right ahead.

Q: The project! Did they pass?!

A: They didn't have much time to work on it due to everything, but they were able to get a C-. So yes, they passed.

Q: Chapter 17, Mike gives everyone except Reader a spot in his party, why?

A: He didn't want to admit that he liked the reader and he wasn't that close to her to just throw her in the party when he clearly disapproves of his friends adding Max. He's also defensive when it comes to talking about her, so when Max asks about her, he ignores it.

This is where the questions end so far, most I've seen are repeats or I've answered myself but if you have any more, feel free to comment them and I'll add them into this section or just respond to you.

Comments from meee ^.^

I will one day go through all of my chapters and correct any grammar/spelling mistakes.

 So many people are so angry at Mike for liking both the reader and El. I kinda understand, but he has to like you or this wouldn't be a Mike x Reader. Just.. putting that out there xD and also if I chose to get rid of him liking El, I'd have to stray too far from the original story and DRAMA! Come on y'all... drama's fun when it's not real!

Also, many people are commenting that El is gonna kick the reader for stealing her man... he's like 13, not a man but aside from that the reader has Rihna. 

Chapter 3, I say (God/Universe [whichever you believe in]). The comments are hilarious but IN CASE someone doesn't know, I meant pick between God or universe depending on whether you're atheist or religious. I know some religious people get offended when you refuse to say God or don't say "God" and whatnot. I also don't say "God", I'll say "Thank the universe (insert reason here)" so that's why I had it that way. 

I know Rihna doesn't really fit into the book and I'm aware of quite a few people dislike her, but I'm someone who's severely addicted to fantasy, for me a story without fantasy is like food without flavor. Because of that, all of my stories have some sort of fantasy aspect to them, this one is no different. Besides... there's a giant plant-monster looking thing in the story... I can have a cool tall lady who kicks ass.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now