Chapter 004

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The two explained everything about how Will was trapped in the Upside Down and how Eleven helped find him and where Eleven went and about the Demogorgon. Everything. They were terrified that (Y/N) might think they were crazy or that she wouldn't believe them. But that's not what happened. In fact, she understood.

"So that's why you've been so down recently. And that's where you've been. Well, thank (god/the universe [depending on what you believe in]) you're ok. Both of you. Actually all of you."

"Except El." (Y/N) looked down at Mike's comment.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"No. She's alive. She's not dead and I'll find her." Mike snapped. (Y/N) tried not to show the hurt in her eyes, but it showed anyway. Mike instantly started to feel guilt bubble in his chest.

"I-I'm so-"

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." (Y/N) said, moving back to the easel. She continued to paint for a minute, then an idea popped into her head. She looked at Will and spoke,

"Hey, maybe she can help you find Eleven."

"What?" Will asked.

"This girl. Whoever she is, she said she would protect you from that monster in the Upside Down. Meaning every time you go back this woman will be there. She's gotta know that place like the back of her hand." (Y/N) said. "If you say Eleven disappeared with the Demogorgon, maybe she went back there. To the Upside Down."

"W-wait! You have to go back!" Mike practically yelled.

"What? Are you crazy? That place is terrifying and that monster thing is even worse! I don't want to go back!" Will said, his heart starting to beat faster as he thought about returning to that horrid place.

"Please Will, for Eleven."

"No way!" Will turned away and Mike looked down and tried not to get too upset. (Y/N)'s eyes once again landed on the picture

"She's gonna be there," (Y/N)'s voice caused the two to look up at her.

"What?" Will asked.

"She said she'd protect you. I doubt that she won't be there this time. When you get there, just stick with her and ask where Eleven is. Maybe she'll know and she can help you find her." Will frowned, then his eyes landed on the picture. Her voice was calming and when the monster came at them, she didn't back down and stood in front of Will to protect him. But he didn't see her last time. What if he didn't see her again? He didn't want the shadow to get him. Then again... she did say she'd protect him. Will sighed, then spoke up,

"I still don't know how to get back there..."

"Here." (Y/N) moved Mike and laid Will down on her bed. "Just close your eyes and imagine being back in that world. Don't worry, if you leave the house, we'll follow you out and we'll be right next to you." Will nodded and took a few deep breaths before he closed his eyes. He thought about the Upside Down and waited. Both (Y/N) and Mike waited patiently and then it happened. Will opened his eyes and looked around. He sat up and started walking towards the door.

"He's in," Mike said.


Will walked through the darkened house and down the stairs. He opened the front door and walked out and looked around. The sky was dark with red lightning and then he saw the shadow beast. But the girl wasn't there. The beast turned to him and Will panicked. Where was she!? He turned and started to run away.

~(Y/N) and Mike~

(Y/N) and Mike followed Will down the stairs and out of the house and watch him look around aimlessly. Then he looked at the sky. The two followed his gaze and saw nothing, but clearly, Will saw something. The monster. He turned and started to run. Mike and (Y/N) exchanged glances for a moment before they chased after him, yelling his name and for him to stop.


Will ran and ran and ran. His legs were hurting and his lungs were burning but that monster was behind him. Where was that woman?! He ran into the woods in hopes of hiding from the monster, but he could hear the loud noise. That's when something grabbed Will's hand. It was her!

"It's ok." She said. Still holding his hand, she started moving into the forest, but at the same time staying near the edge. They came up to an area with that seemed to be a good spot for temporary shelter.

"Y-you! I need your help." He said to her, trying to catch his breath.


"Do you know where a girl named Eleven is? She has short hair and a tattoo that says 011 on her arm." The girl shook her head.

"She's not here anymore."

"A-anymore? She was here?"

"Yes, but the minute she woke up, she found a way out. She went back into your world."

"She did? That means she's alive..." The woman gave him a serious look and spoke.

"They can hear us in the real world, so do not repeat what I say and do not ask questions, understood?" Will nodded. "Do not look for Eleven. She will return to you when the time is right until then you will NOT look for her. You will make sure that Mike doesn't go looking for her. If Eleven gets to you too early, many people will die." The woman looked Will in the eyes. "DO NOT LOOK FOR HER! Understand?" Will nodded and then, he flashed back into the real world.

"Will!?" (Y/N) yelled as shook him. He blinked and looked at them both.

"I-I saw her." He breathed out.

"What did she say?" Mike asked eagerly.

"Eleven was there, but she isn't anymore. The lady said that she left the minute she woke up." Mike's eyes widened. Sh-she was alive?

"Where?!" Will frowned as he remembered the girl's words.

"I-I don't know." He didn't lie, he really didn't know where Eleven was... but he needed to make sure they didn't go looking, as the woman said.

"Come on, let's get back inside." (Y/N) said, as she and Mike helped Will back into the house.

A/N: Heya everyone! Yet another long chapter lol I'm sorry. I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and let me know how you feel about this story so far! Happy reading!!

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