Chapter 003

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A/N: Heya guys. Ok, this is where the major change happens. Now I'm gonna try to keep to the 2nd season's storyline as much as I can because I don't want to change the whole thing, but it might happen. Please don't hate me T^T


~Couple Days Later~

Will was getting ready for school when he started to feel dizzy. He moved toward his bed but collapsed on the floor. His chest felt heavy and he reached out for help. Suddenly, he flashed into the Upside Down. He was no longer having trouble breathing and he was no longer dizzy. He stood up and ran through his house looking for his mom but couldn't find her. He ran outside of his house and then he saw it... the large shadow monster. He started to run away and noticed the beast was following him. That's when something grabbed his arm. He looked back to see how and saw a beautiful tall woman, with silver locks and green eyes looking at him. She wore a leather outfit with a sword on her hip.

"It's alright Will." She said.

"H-how do you know me!?" He yelled but soon forgot that when he saw the shadow beast move closer to him. He tried to run but the girl held on to him.

"I will protect you." He looks into her eyes calmed his heart. She was with him and he didn't feel alone anymore. Hesitantly, Will nodded as he moved closer to the girl. She pulled her sword out and it was magnificent. The silver blade rippled with purple lightning. The girl stared at the beast and it stared back. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIM! GOT IT!?" The beast made its way towards the girl, but she didn't falter. She stood straight, ready to attack. That's when Will flashed back into the normal world, with his mom and brother looking at him worried. The girl. Where was the girl? Will looked around and looked at the sky. No monster... no girl.


(A/N: This is AFTER Mike brings Will home from trick or treating. When Will went into the Upside Down this time, he didn't see the girl there this time)

Mike and Will sat together as he explained his ordeal that he just had a little while ago.

"It's like... like I'm stuck." Will explained.

"Like, like, stuck in the Upside Down?" Mike asked. Will sighed as he tried to explain his situation.

"No. You know on a View-Master, when it gets, like..." Will paused, thinking of the right words.

"Caught between two slides?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, like that." Will nodded. "LIke one side's our world, and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down. And.. and there was this noise coming from everywhere," Will stared at a spot on the ground as he recalled the events that happened just a little while ago. "And then I saw something."

"The demogorgon?" Mike asked.

"No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. And it was coming for me."

"Is this all real?" Mike asked. "Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?" Will shook his head ever so lightly.

"I don't know. Just... just please don't tell the others, ok?" Will asked, looking at Mike. "They won't understand." Mike's eyes landed on the ground.

"Eleven would." He stated.

"She would?" Will asked, eyes never leaving Mike. He'd never met the girl face to face and actually got to know her. Mike nodded, looking at Will for a second, then looking away again.

"Yeah. She always did." Mike paused for a second, then continued talking. "Sometimes I feel like I still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is." Mike blinked the tears away. "I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy." Will nodded at his statement.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now