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A/N: AKA... your frogface.... orrr

(Y/N) saw Mike staring at the sky and swam to him. He hadn't noticed her so she took in a deep breath, went under and swam to him. She hit his leg with her hand and watched him freak out, causing her to laugh and the bubbles floated up.

"Dammit (Y/N)!" Mike laughed. The girl surfaced and smiled at him.

"What were you thinking of?" She asked.

"N-nothing. What do you mean?" He was clearly flustered.

"Oh were you thinking about Eleven? Don't worry we'll find her. Well, she'll find us as Rihna says." Mike nodded, not knowing what to say. He wasn't thinking of Eleven... he was thinking of (Y/N) but he didn't want to be weird about it. He looked at her. Why not just be honest?

"Actually, I was thinking about you."

"What?" A light blush crept up to the girl's face. "Y-you were thinking ab-about me?" He nodded. The dreaded awkward silence came around and they just floated quietly. Then, (Y/N) splashed him.

"What EXACTLY were you thinking about?" She gave him a smirk.

"W-what?" He looked away, his face turning really red, causing the girl to laugh.

"Oh, that blush says something. What were you thinking of?" She moved closer to him, only a few inches apart.

"Uhh... I... umm." (Y/N) giggled at the flustered boy.

"I'm just messing with you." She splashed a little bit of water at his face and he smiled, splashing back. Soon it had become a splash war and it got serious enough for the others to join in too. It was Mike, Dustin, and Will, against (Y/N), Lucas, and Rihna. As they were splashing each other, a large wave came and splashed Mike, Dustin, and Will down. They were in the water for a few seconds and when they popped back out, they saw a smiling Rihna, with both (Y/N) and Lucas dying of laughter.

"How'd you do that?!" Dustin asked, a smile making its way up to his face.

"That my dear curly-haired friend is a secret." She winked. (Y/N) eyes landed on Mike who gave her a smile, she looked down with a blush and smiled as well. After a little bit, (Y/N) got out of the water, causing Mike's face to erupt in a blush once again. He knew it was bad to stare but just couldn't look away from her. She was laughing and saying something, but it was all fuzzy. He smiled to himself when he saw hers.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now