Chapter 007

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Meanwhile, the group followed Will, who seemed to be talking to no one. They followed him throughout the forest, occasionally looking around to see if they could spot a portal.

"So her name is Rihna?" (Y/N) asked.

"Seems like it," Mike said. "Seems like it would fit her."

"This is kinda weird," Lucas voiced. "Will talking to himself, walking through the woods. Not to mention creepy. What if there is another Demogorgon in that world? What if it's out here? Who's gonna protect us? That R-Rihna chick is in there, not out here."

"Calm down man," Dustin said. "If it's here then that is sort of a good sign because that means there's a doorway nearby."

"Please don't say that..." (Y/N) muttered, causing the three boys to look in her direction. "From what I hear, those things are terrifying and I don't think I want to see it."

"It's fine, we're here," Mike stated, earning a strange look from both Dustin and Lucas. The group kept moving, but Dustin walked to Mike, who was in the back of the group, while (Y/N) and Lucas walked up front, next to Will.

"Oh don't tell me." Dustin laughed, nudging his dark haired friend.

"Wh-what?" Mike whispered.

"You like her? What happened to El?"

"I do not! I only like El." Mike whisper-yelled. As the two bickered amongst themselves, it caused Lucas and (Y/N) to look back at them. Lucas joined in and wondered what was going on. While this was happening, (Y/N) saw a light to the right of the group. She said nothing and just walked to it. It was covered in green muck but there was a gold center to it. It was closed off with vines. (Y/N) reached out and ran her hand down the vines, causing them to rip and fall down. She gently pushed her hand in, clearly, she could go through.

"GUYS!" She yelled and looked back to see the guys looking at her and Will still moving forward. "I think I found the portal. WILL!" She yelled at it. "WILL CAN YOU HEAR ME!?"


Will looked around when he heard (Y/N)'s voice. Both him and Rihna looked around. Her voice was echoey and it sounded like she was far away.

"(Y/N)!" Will called out.

"There!" Rihna yelled, pointing towards a portal. Both Will and Rihna ran to it, but Rihna stopped Will from exiting. "You're not really here. You need to wake up in the real world."

"I-I don't know how. I just wake up." Rihna looked Will in the eyes.

"Breathe and think about the other side. Just imagine being there and calm yourself, I can feel your fear. I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you." Will nodded and did so. He could feel the other side and before he knew it, he woke up. He saw Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and (Y/N). Will looked at the portal.

"NOW RIHNA!" They waited for a few seconds, but nothing happened. "R-Rihna?" Will called. Nothing. It was silent and the portal didn't move.

"W-Will where is she?" Dustin asked.

"I-I don't know, she was right next to me."

"You were probably imagining her!" Lucas yelled, clearly irritated that they did all this and nothing came out of it. Will's eyes widened but he shook his head vigorously.

"N-no! I wasn't. She's real!" They waited a few more minutes but nothing happened.

"This was a waste of time! We need to leave. Who knows what's behind that thing. There could be a Demogorgon and we don't have a way to fight it." Lucas said as he turned around and started to walk the other way.

"S-sorry buddy." Dustin frowned and followed and soon Mike. (Y/N) put a hand on Will's shoulder and the male's eyes connected with hers.

"M-maybe she's fighting something or decided she can't leave. Maybe she physically can't leave the Upside Down." (Y/N) smiled.

"You still believe me?" The (H/C) haired girl nodded.

"Come on, let's get home and take a breather. We'll figure out what to do next." Will reluctantly agreed and started walking with (Y/N).

"You aren't planning on leaving me here are you?" They all heard a woman's voice. They instantly turned around and saw Rihna.

"Rihna!" Will yelled as he ran to her and hugged her. The woman smiled and hugged back.

"Woah." The group said as they looked at Rihna. She was tall and towered over them all. She had waist long silver hair, green eyes, slim figure, and porcelain features. Her armor consisted of tight black fabric, with armor around her chest and stomach, with a skirt, on top of the leggings looking fabric. Her sleeves were see through and there was a metal bracelet around her right wrist and a metal claw on her left hand. On her right side sat a sword. The silver blade that was covered in purple lightning.

(A/N: if any of you play Black Desert Online or want to see a picture of "Rihna" I basically described the Dark Knight so you can just google it lol. I love the way she looks so yeah)

"W-woah... you're Rihna?" Dustin asked. The woman stood tall and nodded. She was beautiful, just like the painting.

"You're real," Lucas said.

"I am." Her voice... it was so angelic. So calming and soothing. She was here... Will wasn't lying or making her up. She was really here.

A/N: So I was just gonna add one chapter but chapter 6 and 7 were broken up into two so that they were super long. Even though this chapter has 930 words and chapter 6 has 740. Anyway! Let me know how you're like the story, the relationship between the characters, and if you're liking Rihna! Happy reading!!

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