Chapter 028

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Bob ran down the stairs, gun in one hand, flashlight in the other. As he looked around with the flashlight, he kept the gun up, prepared in case anything happens. Something exploded causing loud hissing to occur behind him, scaring him. He was panting.

"Keep it together, Bob." He muttered to himself. He walked into a room and gasped when he saw dead bodies covered in blood. "Oh god..." He shut the door behind him and carefully walked around the bodies, trying to get to his destination. His light met with the wonderful words "MAIN POWER" and he cautiously walked towards it. "Ok, here we go." He mumbled as he pushed the switch up. The lights started to turn on throughout the building. Bob continued to flip the large, somewhat heavy switches up to turn on the lights in all rooms and hallways.

Soon the lights turned on in the room where the group was waiting. They all breathed out in relief and walked towards a small TV where they saw Bob turning on everything.

"He made it." Mike said. "I... I wish Rihna was here." He whispered to himself.


As everyone was talking to them, Nancy noticed all the lights turning on. She pushed passed everyone and walked towards the building a little.

"The power's back." She said and everyone stopped talking. They all ran to the booth and Jonathan started to press the open button again, but the gates still weren't opening. Dustin busted in and started to press the button, pushing Jonathan back, but it was to no avail. The gates were still closed. Dustin cursed and slammed the button even more.


"Ok, Bob, can you hear us?" Dr. Owens asked through the walkie-talkie. He was going to help him through this as much as he could.

"Loud and clear, Doc. Can you hear me back?" Bob spoke into the walkie-talkie.

"Yeah, we hear you." Bob turned on the computer and waited as green text started to appear on the screen.

"All right, give me a minute." He stated, putting the walkie down and started to type on the computer. Bob was sweating and was trying to work on this as fast as he could. Then three options came up.

Alarm System

Fire Alarm System

Door Access

Bob picked the third option and then started to unlock all the doors, even the gates that held back the kids outside, keeping them safe. Now it was open and the kids were freely able to walk into the dangerous building.

"Hey," Dustin laughed. "I got it." He giggled as they watched the door open.

"Easy-peasy." Bob said.

"Son of a bitch did it." Hopper smiled.

"Right, I'll meet you outside." Bob said into the walkie. They saw him grab the gun and start heading for the door.

"Nice job," Dr. Owens said. His eyes traveled to another screen and then he spoke. "Hold on a second there chief."
"What's wrong?"

"West stairwell isn't clear anymore." They saw a demodog walking down the stairs. Joyce watched in horror as they saw the beast move around.

"What's going on?" Bob asked.

"We've got some company." Dr. Owens said.


"The west stairwell."

"I got an idea." Bob went back to the computer and went into the fire alarm system and selected the sprinkler system.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now