Chapter 021

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A/N: I feel so confused when writing the parts from the show because then I feel like it becomes weird when I add my own plot in.

Also very sorry for updating so late.

After a little while, when Will was calmer, Joyce decided to ask him about the woman she saw with him. The look on her face as she ran to Will and the worry in her voice.

"Who was that woman? With the long silver hair and black clothing?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" Will asked.

"When we found you at the field, I saw a very tall woman running towards us. She knew you and your friends knew her too... I forget her name but (Y/N) said it..." Joyce tried to think back to the woman's name. Will understood who his mother was talking about.

"Th-that's Rihna." He started to explain. "I first met her that day I went to the Upside Down a week or two ago... that morning before school," Joyce remembered that day, her son frantically ran out right passed her and Jonathan. They followed him and as he was running, he just stopped and it looked like something was holding on to his arm. "I saw her... she stopped me and said that I don't need to be scared and that she'll protect me."

"That's why (Y/N) asked her to help," Joyce mumbled to herself.

"She was there every time. But on Halloween, she wasn't. That's when I told Mike about her. We went to (Y/N) house and she painted her for us. That night I went back in and asked her about Eleven."

"I-Is she like Eleven?" Will shook his head. Will hadn't met Eleven but his mother and best friend had. The girl who saved his life wasn't here anymore and that made him a little sad, but Rihna said that she was still alive and that was enough.

"I don't think so, no. She's been in the Upside Down for as long as she remembers. She has this sword that glows with purple lightning. Sh-she stood in front of me mom... like a shield and she stood up against that thing. Then I woke up. I went to her that night with Mike and (Y/N). She told me that Eleven was alive but not to look for her." Will hesitated before he told his mom the next part. "Mike called Dustin and Lucas and we decided on bringing her to this dimension. On Saturday I went back in... with the others and stayed with her until she came out." Joyce's eyes widened.

"Y-you said you were hanging out with Mike and you four were going to play D&D."

"S-sorry Mom. I-I thought she was the only way to stop going back there was if she could come here and help." Joyce nodded, trying her best to understand her son's thought process. "I went there and stayed with her for a while until she found a doorway. She came out... but that day..." Will trailed off; he remembered (Y/N)'s blood-curdling screams as she got sucked into the portal. The sound caused his heart to... hurt. He remembered seeing the fear on her face and her digging her nails into the ground, trying to stop herself, but it didn't work. Will's eyes landed on the ground as he took a deep breath. "It took her..."

"Wh-what? What took who?" Will looked back up and made eye contact with Joyce.

"The Demogorgon. It took (Y/N) and she disappeared into th-the portal that was in the tree. Rihna went in and saved her... but she had this b-big gash on her leg. Sh-she was bleeding really bad; her face was pale and by th-the end... Mike's sweater was dripping with her blood." Joyce's hand covered her mouth  as she saw the look on her son's face.

"How did she survive?"

"It was Rihna. She... she healed (Y/N) leg with her sword somehow. She placed the tip on her wound and the lightning around her weapon touched her skin and... well, it healed." Will explained.

"A-and this Rihna... she can help you?" Will nodded. Joyce remembered her yelling something before she ran off in the opposite direction. "Did you see her? Earlier... when you were in the Upside Down. She was there?" Will nodded.

"She-she used her sword and stopped the thing. I heard yelling... I-I think it was her. She... she was yelling at that monster... b-but then I woke up. Mom we need to get to her. She... she can help us. Please!" His mom shook her head.

"N-no Will. Absolutely not. You were in there and you got attacked by that shadow beast and now you want to go back? I don't think so." Joyce inhaled sharply as she got up and walked to the kitchen to get some water.

"P-please mom. She's the only one who knows how to deal with this. I-I need her. It got me and I need Rihna's help." Joyce shook her head not looking at her son. She just got her son back...

"She's in the Upside Down. How are we going to get to her? I-I don't want you going back in there with that... that thing there."

"Please, Mom... she knows what to do. She can help me with this monster... I need her." Joyce didn't speak. This was a terrible idea and what kind of mother would she be if she just let her son drag her to the most dangerous place. But this Rihna... she could help and it couldn't hurt to look for her. Joyce thought for a few moments, then she answered her son hesitantly.

"Ok." Will grabbed his jacket and so did his mom as they got into her car and drove to (Y/N)'s place, then Mike, then Lucas, and finally Dustin.  

A/N: Ok so this is all in the same day as well as the next chapter, just letting you guys know in case you were confused. Happy reading!

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