Chapter 002

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~The Next Day~

The boys arrived to class and got their stuff ready. Some of the kids were still talking about their ideas and then (Y/N) walked in at sat in her usual seat. Both Will and Mike got up and walked to her. Once she saw them, she gave them a smile.

"Oh Hello." She said. Both Mike and Will's heart started to beat a little faster. Her voice... was so angelic and smooth.

"Hi, um we're partnered up for the project if you didn't know."

"Oh yes, Maya told me, I just didn't have your numbers to call you." She smiled. "What did you guys choose?"

"Well, we didn't do too much without you. We wanted to get your opinion on it all before we started to add stuff. We were gonna meet at Mike's house if that's ok with you." Will stated.

"Oh... well, my parents will have to meet you both and talk to your parents before I can go over to your places. So is it ok if we head to my house for today."

"Oh yeah, no problem," Mike stated.

"Yeah totally, no worries." Will added.

"Well great! Thanks for not doing everything without me." The boys both nodded and smiled, then headed to their seat. (Y/N) watched them both, then looked down, smiled, and bit her lip.

~After School~

(Y/N) got her stuff ready and waited for both Will and Mike outside. She waited for a few minutes until she saw them and waved them over.

"Hey!" She smiled when they got to her.

"Hey (Y/N)." Will said.

"We're gonna have to wait for my sister to come pick us up since I live too far to walk." She stated.

"Oh, no problem." Will smiled, along with Mike. They waited for a minute before a car pulled up. The window rolled down and a girl smiled.

"Hey, sis, who are these two?"

"This is Mike Wheeler and Will Byers. Mike, Will, this is my sister Gia." (if your name is Gia just change her name to anything you want)

"Hello." The two said in unison. (Y/N) opened the door and they all got in the back.

"Did you three have a good day at school?" They all gave her a nod and she gave them a smile.

"Hey, is mom home?" (Y/N) asked.

"Not yet, she will be home later though. She had to stay overtime for a little bit." Gia replied as she turned left. "Whatcha need her for?"

"We all have a project to do and I wanted to know if it would be ok to go over to Mike or Will's house."

"Well if she doesn't get home in time, I'll take them home and meet their parents." Gia looked in the rearview mirror at the boys. "Is that alright?" They nodded and she gave them another dazzling smile. She looked (Y/N) a lot, they had the same eyes and nose and facial structure. Once they got home, they got out of the car and (Y/N) opened the door and walked in, with the boys following her. Gia checked the mailbox then walked in as well.

"We can go up to my room," (Y/N) said as she led them upstairs. The boys followed quietly and when they were in her room, they looked around. Her room was (so cute/nice) and (girly/tomboyish) and it smelled so... good. She had a small fish tank with a few fish in it and on the side she had a large cage with three guinea pigs. (A/N: She's got pets but it still smells good... yeah that totally makes sense Onyx...)

"They're so cute." Will said as she went up to the guinea pigs. She giggled and walked up next to him, with Mike in tow. (Y/N) pointed to the white one and said: "That's Opal, the black one is Onyx, and the white, brown, and light pink one is Neo, AKA Neapolitan cuz she looks like the delicious ice cream." The guys chuckled at her, she was so cute.

"Who are the fish?" Mike asked.

"Oh, that's Dory, Nemo, Billie The Cowfish, and Gilly the Angelfish." The three sat down and opened up their books.

"So! What do you guys have so far?" (Y/N) asked the two boys.

"Well, we have a few ideas for the myths and then we have a couple ideas of what everyone can do," Mike stated.

"Ooh, sounds good." (Y/N) smiled as she moved closer to the two to see their notes. Both males blushed lightly but hid it from (Y/N) by looking straight down into their notebooks.

"So we had someone doing the research on the topics, someone typing up the worksheets, which we'll work on together but they'll ultimately type up, and someone decorating the tri-fold." Will stated.

"Ooh! Can I please do the decorating? I LOVE to decorate!" (Y/N) stated, giving them her gorgeous smile. The two males breathlessly nodded. "Yay! You guys are awesome!" While they were working, Will realized he and Mike forgot to call their parents to let them know they were with (Y/N).

"You guys can use the phone downstairs." (Y/N) informed as she took the two down to the phone. They took turns to call their moms to let them know that they were safe and with (Y/N) and both mothers talked to Gia, where she let them know that she would bring them home, no problem.

The three continued to work and had lots of fun while they were at it too. (Y/N) learned a lot about Will and Mike (except about their ordeal with the Upside Down) and they got to know a lot about her too. Like how (Y/N) was a painter and she was also a master pianist. (A/N: if you're not a pianist or you don't like playing the piano you can just get rid of that, but the painter is for the next chapter) She explained to them how she loved piano music and grew up learning how to play. She also told them a lot about personal likes and dislikes and all those little random things. To Will, they were very important. This was a big step in their relationship. He really liked (Y/N), but never had the nerve to talk to her and now they finally could.

It was 9 o'clock and it was time for the boys to go home. (Y/N) came with Gia to drop them off and met with their parents as well. They agreed to meet at Mike's place next time.

A/N: Hello! Please let me know how you're liking the story so far! Also if I mess up on anything with the storyline or with the characters or with my writing please let me know! Constructive criticism is always welcomed! Thank you for reading!

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now