Chapter 020

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"WILL!" (Y/N) yelled, as Will's eyes opened and he fell to the ground. The girl shook him a little.

"Will! It's us!" She yelled. His eyes opened and he scanned the worried faces of his friend and his mom.

    "Wh-what..." He muttered, looking up at the cloudy sky. Nothing... but he felt it. He still feels it, everywhere. His mother helped him up. They were all silent, just like Will. His mother walked him to the car, with his friends following behind.

    "Ok that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" Max asked. No one answered her, they just watched Will and His mom walk to the car.

    "Two episodes in two days..." Lucas started.

    "It's getting worse." Mike finished.

    "You think it's true sight?" Lucas asked, looking at Mike.

    "What's true sight?" Max asked. Mike looked at Lucas and shook his head.

    "It's nothing..." Lucas said to Max. They heard the engine start up and then watch as the car drove away.


Will sat in the chair at the dining table with his mother in front of him. She wanted answers for what had just happened earlier.

"I can't remember." Will said, clearly lying. His mother sighed.   

"I need you to try." She stated. Will needed to say something, he needed to make this believable.

"I... I was on the field and... and then it... it all just went blank, and... and you were there." He said, looking at his mom. His mom looked down a little.

"Will, I need you to tell me the truth."

"I am." His mother sighed again then stood up and walked behind Will. The boy stared down, taking quiet breaths, hoping she would believe him. His mom returned, with a long sheet of paper in her hand. She placed it in front of him and pointed at it. It was the beast drawn with many lines using a blue crayon. Will's eyes widened.

"This shape, I saw it on the videotape from Halloween night." Will's eyes moved to his mother's face. "It's the same shape as... as your drawing." She sighed again. "These episodes that you're having, I think Dr. Owens is wrong. I think they're real. But... but I can't help you if I don't know what's going on. So, you have to talk to me. Please." Will's eyes were constantly darting from the drawing to his mom, back to the drawing, then back to his mom. "No more secrets, ok?" He nodded with tears starting to come into his eyes. "Ok. Did... did you see this thing again on the field?" Will could remember seeing it, as he turned around. The large thing right above the school.   

"Yes." He spoke quietly, nodding.   

"What... what is it?" Will's memory returned as he remembered the night he ran and hid from the monster behind the brick wall on Halloween night.    "I don't know." The tears were now evident as the horrible events rushed back to him. That was the time he didn't see Rihna there and he was so scared. "It's almost more like a... a f-feeling." The boy stammered.   

"Like the one you had that night at the arcade?" Will's memory returned to that night, where he saw the red lightning strike and saw the beast.   

"Yes." He breathed out, nodding.   

"What does it want?" Joyce asked. This time the memory of Will running through the halls came to him. The shadows were following behind, so closely.   

"I don't know." His eyes were filled with tears and they slowly started to slip out.

"It came for me, and..." He remembered yelling for it to go away. "And I tried," Joyce covered her mouth in horror as she listened to her son tell her what happened. "I tried to make it go away." His face contorted as he started to cry, the memories rushing back. The fear, coming back. "But it got me, mom." His voice broke as he remembered the shadows getting him.   

"Well, what does that mean?" Joyce asked.   

"I felt it... everywhere." His voice broke even more. "Everywhere." His remembered it entering through his mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. "I—I still feel it." He sobbed as his mother embraced him in a hug. "I just want this to be over."   

"It's ok. It's ok. Hey." She pulled away, cupping his face in her hands. "Listen, look, look at me." He sniffled and met her eyes. "I will never, ever, let anything bad happen to you ever again. Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I will fix it. I promise. I'm here." She then hugged him again. She tried not to let it get to her too much, she needed to be strong for her little boy. Her eyes landed on the picture and she felt angry. Angry at that beast that tried to her hurt baby. Her son. How dare it.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now