Chapter 024

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"W-we should go, but I can't leave Will alone." Joyce said. They heard something behind them and looked to see Will. He was standing, but this time with a shirt on.

"W-Will?" (Y/N) called out. He looked at his mom.

"I...I need Rihna..." He looked so... uncomfortable.

"Let's go then!" Joyce got in her car and Hopper got into his and they sped to Gia's house. They parked and all got out of the car. (Y/N) ran to the door and knocked on the door.

"GIA!" (Y/N) yelled. The girl came to the door and her eyes widened.

"What's going on?" (Y/N) pushed Gia inside and sat her down as she started to explain everything. She ran upstairs and had brought down two paintings. One of Rihna, so everyone could see what she looked like and the other was a painting of the portal. While they all took turns to explain Rihna, Eleven, the Upside Down, and the shadow monster, Gia stayed quiet. She didn't believe them... but the look in their eyes... there was no way they could fake that. It was still quite far-fetched. When they were done, they all stared at Gia, as she thought for a moment.

"So... this Rihna is back in the Upside Down... a-and you need her to... come back to help Will..." she looked towards Will. "Because the shadow monster... attacked him?" they all nodded. Gia raised an eyebrow, as she looked at the picture of Rihna and the portal.

"Please Gia, you have to help us." (Y/N) begged her sister. Gia stared at her for a moment, then spoke.

"Where did she go last?"

"She ran off to the place we saw the demodog." Dustin stated. "She said that's where the last portal would be."

"And where was this portal?" Gia questioned, looking to her sister.

"By the lake. The woods on the right side is where we saw the demodog so the portal must be around there. She didn't have a chance to close it, since we had to rush back home before it was too late." Gia nodded and stood up.

"Take me there." They all ran out the door and got into the cars. Gia went with Hopper and they all drove to the lake. They were all very tense about the situation, but needed to keep focus. Once they arrived, (Y/N) got out of the car and led Gia and the others to the exact spot they saw the demodog.

"Right there. That's where we saw that thing." (Y/N) said, pointing to the spot where they saw it. "It ran at us and Rihna cut it in half and burned it right there." Gia nodded as she walked to the spot they saw the monster, while staring at the ground and everyone followed.

"What type of shoes does she wear?"

"She has boots with that have a one-inch heel and a very slight point at the tip." (Y/N) explained.

"Ok, so since she was running you're going to be looking for a small block type impression in the ground and it should be followed with the boot. We need to look together. Look to see how the twigs are broken or how the grass or leaves were pressed on. Also watch where you step, you don't want step on her footstep or maybe create confusion between ours and hers." With that everyone nodded and started looking at the ground searching for what (Y/N) had described.

They looked all around, until Gia had spotted it. She bent down and outlined the print gently with her finger.

"I found it." She voiced as she looked forward, looking for the next step. "She's tall isn't she?"

"Very." Mike answered. "H-how'd you know?"

"Look at this step," They all gathered around and saw it. "And look, this one is so far." Gia pointed at the one right in front of it. "She has a very large stride, now because she was running it's farther than it would be if she was walking, but look. If we ran ours still wouldn't be this wide." The girl stated as she followed the steps. They went quite far then they stopped right in front of a tree.

"Th-they stopped..." (Y/N) muttered, looking around.

"Looks like the portal must've been here. She probably went through." Gia stated, her finger tapping a spot on the tree in front of them.

"Where is it though?" Joyce asked.

"She closed it," Dustin added, causing everyone to look at them. "The first time... she came out of the portal, she closed it. She must've closed this one too." They all sighed and looked down.

"Wh-why would she close it and not come out?" Mike asked. They all thought of reasons.

"M-maybe she... chose to stay back... because she knew it this happened again she couldn't get to Will in time." Gia said. Wh-where the hell did I get that idea? Gia thought to herself.

"What?" They all asked together. Gia looked back at Will. She decided to continue with this thought. It wasn't too bad of an idea... but where did it come from?

"You can travel back and forth between the Upside Down and, here right?" he nodded. "And she can't, right?" Will shook his head. "Maybe she's staying back so in case you went back in she could keep you safe. You said, she saved you before the beast finished right? What if when you go back it'll try to do the same. Maybe that's why she stayed. So, it won't finish the job. That way she could keep you safe..."

"B-but what about him here?" Dustin asked.

"He has us... and she said that Eleven would return. Maybe Eleven's supposed to keep him safe here and Rihna keeps Will safe in the Upside Down. Maybe that's why she closed this portal. So, we can stay here and she can stay there and do her job."

"S-so we need to find another one." (Y/N) stated.

"Where would we find one? You said it was random." Gia remarked. The group fell silent again. "I-is there a pattern?"

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) questioned, turning to her sister.

"I understand they're random, but where do they appear most often? In the forest? Or on the side of a building?"

"Well this is the third one in the forest. But it also broke into my house, so it came through the walls." Joyce mentioned.

"Well the Demogorgon hunts in the woods for deer or rabbits or something... so then that would make it in the forest no?" Mike suggested.

"Yeah the demodogs would be looking for food too. And there are plenty of rabbits around this area." Dustin added.

"So, let's start looking." Lucas said, as the kids started to move.

"Wait!" Gia yelled. "We can't do that."

"Wh-why not?" Her sister asked.

"(Y/N), demogorgons are behind those portals. What if we run into one? How are we gonna fight it?" Gia looked back at the Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. "You three said it yourselves, armed men couldn't kill that thing, only Eleven could with her POWERS. We don't have that." She looked to her sister. "And we don't have Rihna or her weapon. What good are we to her if half of us are dead? She's doing this to protect us and we're going out looking for trouble."

"B-but we need her..." Will stuttered. "I... I need her."

"I understand, really I do. But you need to think about this. We aren't able to fight those things. If we find a portal and just rush in there, we could all get killed." She looked to Joyce and Hopper. "They had to wear hazmat suits when they went it to find Will. We don't have any of that. You found baby demogorgons. What are we gonna do if we go in there and... and there's 10 adults? We can't fight them." The sad looks on everyone's faces hurt Gia. Well except Hopper, who just looked very irritated. "M-maybe she's planning something. I mean she hasn't been gone too long, right? How long has she been gone?"

"Only a day." (Y/N) said.

"Right, so maybe she's planning something. We have to give her a little bit of time before we try anything. For now, let's just focus on keeping Will safe and out of the Upside Down."

A/N: I'm really trying to rush through this little bit so I can get the reader back into the story because it's kinda hard (personally) to try to stick the reader into a situation that's in the actual show because a certain character will do something. Also, I wanna get to the good parts ANYWAY! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Happy Reading!!

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