Chapter 026

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A/N: This is the same night as the last chapter, so their happening at the same time almost.

(Y/N) walked upstairs with a bowl of broccoli, carrots, cucumber, and some celery that was for her guinea pigs. She walked into her room and towards her little piggies and smiled at them. She picked up the food bowl in her guinea pigs large cage and filled it with some pellets then grabbed little carrot bits and cucumber bits as well as some broccoli and placed it in the other bowl. She grabbed a bag underneath the table where the cage sat and got some hay and placed in another bowl. Once she was done, she put the bag away and then grabbed some fish food and poured some into her fish tank. As she was doing this, her eyes traveled to her drawing of Rihna that was now on her wall. She looked down and bit the inside of her cheek. She put the fish food away and looked at the picture again.

"I miss you Rihna. Will misses you and I think he's getting worse. They took him to the hospital. His mom, Bob, Hopper, and Mike." The girl frowned and fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. "I have to find her..." She whispered. She quickly changed into some warm clothes and grabbed a bag and filled it with food and grabbed a couple of flashlights. She quietly walked downstairs and looked around for Gia who wasn't around. She opened the front door, locked it from behind and closed it behind her. She took a deep breath and walked into the forest behind her.

This is such a bad idea

I can't fight

I remember that Demogorgon

I'm going to die.

But I need to find her

For Will. I need to find her for Will Byers.

(Y/N) walked through the forest with her large flashlight and looked around for a portal. This could take a while since Rihna's probably closing all the portals she sees. The girl thought. She checked all the trees carefully so she wouldn't miss anything. Once she was sure she was far enough from her house, she took the risk of calling out to Rihna. She wanted to make sure that Gia didn't hear her... but anything else could pick up on her voice.

"RIHNA!" The girl shouted. She then waited for a reply and carefully listened. Nothing. "RIHNA!" She called again. (Y/N) called for Rihna a few more times, each time pausing for a minute or two before calling for her friend again. It was probably really late now and (Y/N) was tired. She sat down on a tree stump and frowned. At this rate, she was never going to find Rihna... but she couldn't give up.

The girl took off her backpack and opened it up and pulled out (favie snack). She opened it up and started to eat while thinking of ways she could efficiently look for Rihna that didn't involve her getting lost or killed.

A/N: Pick your fav character and use that name. I don't want to make two extra chapters of the reader thinking the same thing, so just pick whoever you like most.

However, her mind slowly drifted to (Will/Mike). She smiled at the thought of him laughing. She really liked him. She remembered the time at the lake when they swam together and talked and laughed. She remembered when Rihna told her about him liking her. (Mike/Will)... she loved his hair, his eyes, his nose, his lips... what did they feel like? What did they taste like? Were they dry and chapped or moist and soft? (Y/N)'s finger found its way to her lips. What would his lips feel like on hers? Maybe when this ends... she could finally find out.

"(Mike/Will)... I really like you...." She whispered staring at the sky.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now