Chapter 011

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After a while, (Y/N) came out of the bathroom and saw the group sitting together. Her red puffy eyes scanned the group. They all looked at her and gave her a gentle smile, except Rihna, who just gave her a look, but it was a comforting look. Something that she would get from Gia sometimes. She sat on the couch with them, with her hair dripping.

"You'll catch a cold like that," Will said quietly. She weakly tried to dry her hair, but it was obvious she wasn't doing ok. She was currently sitting in between Will and Mike. Rihna sat next to Will and both Dustin and Lucas sat on the floor. Rihna's arms were laying on the top of the couch, while her legs were crossed.

Will and Mike took the towel from (Y/N) and started to dry her hair. It was awkward for a moment before Dustin broke it by speaking.

"So... Rihna. How is El going to find us?"

"In time she'll realize this is her place and she will return. Until then, we need to keep the Upside Down where it is."

"So what is the monster that Will kept seeing?"

"He has no name. That is the beast I must keep trapped in the Upside Down. He takes over everything... he needs to be killed, but I do not yet possess the strength to kill it."

"Is that why El's coming back?" Mike asked. Rihna shook her head.

"No. Eleven's job is to close the portal that beast opens. I will kill it." Everyone, except (Y/N) nodded, then the room fell silent.

"H-how long have you been in the Upside Down?" Lucas inquired, breaking the silence.

"As long as I can remember. At first, the shadow monster wasn't there. It was just empty and silent. A year ago though, it appeared and it's been there ever since. It's taken over the Upside Down and it needs to be killed."

"That's why I didn't see it," Will mentioned, thinking back to when he was in the Upside Down. "I was being chased by the demogorgon, but that... shadow wasn't there."

Once the boys were sure (Y/N)'s hair was dry they moved the towel away. She didn't speak, she didn't look up, she didn't move.

"(Y-Y/N)... are you alright?" Will asked. She stayed quiet. They saw tears fall to her leg and then heard quiet sobs. Then she finally started to cry and covered her mouth. Will rubbed her back and arm, while Mike stroked her hair. Dustin and Lucas moved closer and tried to shush her. Rihna didn't do anything, she just stared. To her, that humanoid was nothing. She dealt with stuff like that on a daily basis in the Upside Down, but (Y/N) was new to this stuff.

"I-it was terrifying." (Y/N) cried. "It was so hard to see and... the demogorgon... it was so fast." The girl sniffled, "It m-moved so fast that I barely ha-had time to r-react."

"It's alright, it's gone now. Rihna killed it." Mike reassured his crush.

"B-but there are more." She cried, wiping her eyes. She looked at Mike, then Dustin, Lucas, and Will. Her eyes stopped at Rihna who just watched her silently. "And we can't close all the portals. So any one of those things can show up right now." Her eyes returned to her lap as she started to cry again. The boys thought of a way to distract her.

"H-hey. You like to draw." Will got up and went to his back and grabbed a sketchbook and pencils and colors and brought it back. "Why don't you draw us something cool." (Y/N) grabbed the pencil with a shaky hand and then started to draw lines. Before they knew it, the lines became a figure. They watched as the figure turned into Rihna, holding her weapon up.

"Wow, that's amazing." Rihna pointed out. They kept watching as the picture started to become more and more realistic. She then added the group in so Rihna stood in the front, with her weapon aimed forward, while Will, (Y/N), Mike, Lucas, and Dustin stood behind her. Once (Y/N) was done sketching, she grabbed a color pencil and started to color in Rihna's clothes.

Soon they were all asleep. Dustin and Lucas were asleep on Mike and Will's legs, while Mike fell asleep on (Y/N), who fell asleep on Will, who fell asleep on Rihna. Rihna smiled gently, they looked so peaceful and she intended to keep it that way. Her clawed hand made it's way down to Will's head, as she gently stroked his hair. Such a young child, going through so much.

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