Chapter 032

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A/N: Another long chapter! This is, by the way, mostly in the pov from whoever chose Mike. I know, but there isn't much Will interaction and if I kept altering each bit so it would suit those who picked Will, the chapter would be ENORMOUS. So I just kept it the same way. This is the last chapter where (Y/N) is going to be with both, after this it's strictly Mike and Will chapter's only. Let's proceed with the warning. WARNING! WARNING! LONG CHAPTER AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! MIKE LOVERS BEWARE!

Mike and Eleven slowly walked towards each other, wondering if this was real. They were both breathing heavily and had big smiles on their faces.

"Eleven." Mike whispered.

"Mike." She replied equally quiet, as they embraced each other. Most eyes went to (Y/N) who just watched them sadly. Gia walked to her and held her hand, while Rihna placed her claw on the heartbroken girl's shoulder. The (H/C) haired girl frowned as she realized Mike was back with the girl he loved originally. (Y/N) watched as tears fell out of Eleven's eyes.

"Is that..." Max trailed off, causing Lucas to look at her and nod, while Dustin stared out in front of them and nodded.

"I never gave up on you," Mike declared, pulling apart, tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. "I called you every night. Every night for-"

"353 days." Eleven finished. "I heard." The frown returned to Mike's face.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were ok?"

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper revealed, walking towards Eleven. "The hell is this? Where you been?"

"Where have you been?" Eleven shot back at Hopper. He just wrapped an arm around her and hugged her, which she returned.

"You've been hiding her," Mike realized. Everyone was shocked. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" He shoved Hopper.

"Hey!" Hopper grabbed his shirt, stopping the boy. "Let's talk." He said sternly. "Alone." The two went into a room, shutting the door behind them.

"Protecting her? Protecting her!" Mike yelled.

"Listen. Listen to me. The more people know about her, the more danger she's in. And the more danger you and your family are in."

"Oh what?! I should be thanking you then!?"

"I'm not asking you to thank me! I'm asking you to try to understand." Hopper said, placing his gun down.

"I don't! I don't understand!"

"That's fine. That's fine! Just do not blame her. Alright? She's upset enough as it is."

"I don't blame her! I blame you! I blame you!"

"That's ok, kid. That's ok."

"No! Nothing about this is ok! Nothing about this is ok!" Mike started to hit Hopper.

"Ok! OK!" Hopper yelled, taking the hits.

"You're a stupid, disgusting, lying piece of shit!"

"Ok! Alright! Stop it!" Hopper yelled. Hopper grabbed onto the raven-haired boy as he continued to rage.

"Liar! Liar! Liar!" Mike screamed over and over as Hopper hugged him close, holding the boy as he just cried, letting out all his emotions.

"You're ok, kid. You're ok. I'm sorry, kid."


Outside (Y/N) could hear everything, the room wasn't soundproof, but she only looked around trying to get Mike's reaction out of her head. She was back... and now there was no chance. She watched as Lucas and Dustin hugged Eleven.

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now