Chapter 010

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It was quite a long walk back actually, and it was already dark at this point. Will had spent most of the day in the Upside Down and this was the longest he'd been there, excluding when he was stuck there. Once they arrived home, they went straight to Mike's basement, where Rihna placed (Y/N) on the couch, took off the sweater, and studied her wounds. The immense gash on her leg didn't seem to slow down bleeding and at this rate, (Y/N) could die overnight. Rihna pulled out her sword and placed the tip of the blade on the tip of (Y/N)'s wound.

"W-woah wha-what are you doing?" (Y/N) asked, in a slight panic.

"Relax. This is what I did when I used to get hurt back in the Upside Down." Rihna said, she then looked over at the boys. "Two of you hold her hands, while I do this, two hold her legs," Rihna instructed. No one said anything, Will and Mike held her hands, while Lucas and Dustin held her leg. "Breathe in twice (Y/N)." The girl inhaled twice and before she could exhale, the lightning from the sword started to strike (Y/N)'s leg. The girl winced in pain and tried to move her leg, but Dustin and Lucas held it firmly. Both Will and Mike tightened their grip on her hands, which she returned. She let out a little scream, due to the pain. Tears fell from the girl's eyes as she continued to endure the pain for what felt like hours but had only been five seconds.

Within ten seconds, the wound had closed up and the bleeding stopped. At last, the pain was gone. Lucas and Dustin slowly let go of her leg. (Y/N) took in a few deep breaths and sniffled and then looked down. No more gash. Everyone looked at Rihna with amazement.

"Th-thank you." (Y/N) said. Rihna gave her a nod, sheathing her sword.

"I learned this trick the hard way. You should go shower and clean up the other cuts, they aren't too severe so healing them won't be necessary."

"Oh ok." Everyone then realized that Mike and Will were still holding her hands. In a panic the boys quickly dropped her hands and looked away, causing Lucas to stare at them funny and Dustin to laugh slightly. It was so obvious that they liked the girl.

"Sh-she can shower in there," Mike said, motioning towards the bathroom in the basement.

"I-I don't have any extra clothes." She remarked quietly.

"You can borrow mine. Until you can get home, of course." (Y/N) nodded and stood up and went into the bathroom. Once she shut the door, she turned on the water and when it was warm enough, she stripped and stepped inside. She closed the little door behind her and walked into the stream of water. She stood there letting the water fall over her. Until the warm water hit her, the girl hadn't realized she was cold. Every time she closed her eyes, images of the demogorgon came back to her. She would open her eyes and frantically look around.

Mike had realized there wasn't a towel in that bathroom or any shampoo or body wash. He went upstairs to the main bathroom and grabbed Nancy's body wash, shampoo. He then grabbed a sweater, sweatpants, and a towel and returned back downstairs.

"Can you take these inside?" He asked Rihna, who nodded and headed to the bathroom. She knocked on the door.

"It's Rihna."

"Come in." Rihna opened the door and placed the stuff near the sink and handed the bottles to her. She returned back outside and sat down, while the boys talked amongst themselves, waiting on (Y/N) to finish taking a shower.

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