Chapter 030

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A/N: Ok, so so much had to be changed and skipped in this chapter. For reference, this is Episode 8. Since Bob lived and since we have 3 new characters in the little group, I had to add them all in.  I skipped like half of the conversations and the part where they wonder about killing the mind flayer. As I originally had, Rihna was going to kill it... but then that whole scene with them asking Will questions in the shed couldn't happen without it... soooo here's the final product. Hope you like it!

Once everyone arrived at the house, Rihna and Hopper placed Bob on the ground and Will on the couch.

"Alright." Her eyes traveled to Hopper, Jonathan, and Steve. "Hold him down tightly. His wound is bigger than what (Y/N)'s was."

"W-wound? What wound?" Gia asked as she touched her sister's arm.

"Sh-she saved me from a Demogorgon but it got to me first... she healed him." Hopper, Jonathan, and Steve held Bob down tightly and Bob looked at her. She pulled out her glowing purple sword as everyone stared in awe. Not only was there lightning around it, it was bathed in purple fire as well. The blade was no longer silver and was now pitch black.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be alright. Take in a deep breath." Rihna whispered softly to the dying man. Joyce got down and held Bob's hand as he did his best to inhale. "The rest of you back up." Everyone took a few steps back and Rihna then placed her sword on the large gash. The lightning and fire penetrated Bob's skin and started to heal almost immediately. Bob's screams filled the room as his wounds started to close up. Within a few seconds, the wound was gone and Rihna backed up and sheathed her sword as Bob breathed in and out in an attempt to calm himself. Joyce immediately engulfed him in a hug.

"Y-you're Rihna..." Hopper said, still stocked to see the girl. She nodded and four arms wrapped around her.

"RIHNA!" Dustin and Lucas laughed. The woman hugged back. "WE MISSED YOU!" They laughed.

"I missed you all as well." Rihna then pulled away and looked at the new faces. She gave a slight bow. "My name is Rihna, I've lived in the Upside Down my whole life and have been battling the demogorgons there. Recently the dark shadow beast has emerged and my job is to kill it. I am pleased to meet you all."

"You're going to kill the what?"

"The shadow beast that attacked Will. I will kill it. But... I can't do that without hurting Will."

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"Anything that it controls that feels pain causes Will to feel pain too. Will has been infected by that worthless waste of space, it's inside of him. Will is now basically like those useless dogs, connected to the shadow monster. I can't kill it unless we get it out of him."

"Like a hive mind." Mike said.

"Hive mind?" Steve questioned.

"A collective consciousness. Like a super-organism."

"And that's the thing that controls everything. It's the brain." Mike stated.

"Like the mind flayer." Dustin stated, all eyes were on him and Lucas snapped while looking at him.

"The what?" Max and Steve asked together. Dustin then dropped a book on the desk quite loudly and opened to a specific page as everyone gathered around him and peered at the paper. Rihna towered over them all as she looked at the page.

"The mind flayer." Dustin repeated.

"What the hell is that?" Hopper questioned.

"It's a monster from an unknown dimension. It's so ancient it doesn't even know it's true home. Ok, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains and using its highly-developed psionic powers." Rihna listened as she started to piece this name and that creature together.

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