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A/N: aka your cinnamon roll... or something...

(Y/N) was giggling as she watched Lucas and Dustin start arguing about who was able to hold their breaths longer. They decided to both go underwater and see how long they could wait before coming back up, but they hadn't realized that Rihna had joined them.

"You know," (Y/N) started. "Rihna decided to do it with you two."

"Where is Rihna?" Dustin asked. (Y/N) giggled.

"She's still down there. In fact, she beat you both." The girl laughed. She then felt herself get pulled down under the water. Within seconds she popped back up, only to see Will's impish smile. "You scared me!" She laughed, splashing him a little. He laughed as well and splashed her back.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yes, Will?"



"Thank you for believing us about this whole... Upside Down thing. And thanks for believing me about Rihna, when everyone else thought I was imagining her." (Y/N) smiled at little at Will's words.

"No problem. I... I could just tell you weren't lying or making her up." She swam a little closer to him until they were only a foot apart. "Your eyes... I can tell by looking into your eyes." They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, before smiling a moving away.

"You're really pretty..." Will mumbled and his eyes widened. (Y/N) shyly looked down with a light blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you..." Will looked away, embarrassed.

"I-I didn't mean to say it out loud... I thought I was just thinking it." That caused her to giggle.

"I think you're pretty cute too." There was a moment of silence, where the two just smiled at each other, it wasn't awkward, however. But it was interrupted by a certain curly-haired boy.

"(Y/N) who do you think can hold their breath longer?" Dustin questioned, causing the girl to smile and swim to them. Will watched her as she moved away from him.

"You really are amazing (Y/N)." He smiled to himself, slightly biting his lip as he saw her get out of the water.

A/N: This is what I meant. So if you like Will more than Mike, just read this one and the next chapter is Mike's story. You can read both of course, but this will be the little bits of romance between the reader and Will/Mike. These aren't two separate events, meaning you didn't just talk to Will then go talk to Mike. It's either this event or Mike's.

PS this doesn't mean there isn't going to be any romance between the normal chapters, there will be, but this is just that extra spice lol

Ok, I'm done now ^.^ Happy reading!

Dark Crush (Mike Wheeler x Reader x Will Byers)Where stories live. Discover now