Chapter 2

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~~Anna's POV~~

I quickly grabbed Macy before she fell to the ground and started calling her name.

What the heck just happened.

I ran down the steps and grabbed her mom who was standing in the kitchen making dinner. She ran upstairs to help Macy. By the time we got back up Macy was already sitting up looking as pale as a ghost.

"Macy are you ok what happened?" I asked almost crying.

"Yeah I'm fine I just kinda blacked out it must have just been from the big news"

"What news?" Her mom asked.

We quickly ran through the entire call with her up to the point where Macy fainted.

"Oh well that makes sense" her mom said faintly.

~~ Macy's POV~~

I didn't want to say anything to my mom or Annalise but I really wasn't feeling myself lately. It was probably just a cold. I knew if I did tell my mom we wouldn't be aloud to go to magcon so I stayed quiet. I wasn't sure if it was the right choice or not. Hopefully it was.

We continued packing so we wouldn't have to do it in the morning.

~~5am next morning~~

"Girls wake up" my mom gently pushed me and Annalise. I could here Annalise moaning and saying "why is it so early." This is probably one of the main reasons me and Anna are best friends we both hate mornings. Most people at our school loved mornings for some weird reason but us we would rather stay in bed until lunch time. I decided to wear some black leggings and a comfortable crop top with some black vans. Anna was wearing the same thing just a different crop top.(Above)

We grabbed our bags and left for the airport stopping at Starbucks before hand, how could we resist, the white girl inside me just snapped?

~~Anna's POV~~

I ordered a cotton candy frape and drank it all within 5minutes. I couldn't wait to get to the airport and then leave for sunny Orlando Florida. All my dreams about magcon were finally going to come true.

A couple fans came up asking for pictures, follows, autographs. Of course we spent a lot of time not wanting to disappoint them. After a while I checked the time. CHIZ! We only have 15 minutes to get through security. We apologized to the rest of the fans and made a run to the line.

After going through security we boarded the plane and took our seats. A couple rows ahead of us there was someone sitting there that I would never expect.

~~Macy's POV~~

"Macy guess who that is sitting like 3 rows ahead of us?" Anna said excitedly almost jumping out of her seat.


"Oh my gosh" I said quietly. I didn't want to bring attention to us or them being "famous" and all I know how it felt. I stood up because the plane was already off the ground and we were aloud to walk around, and I approached him.

"Hey Hayes it's Annalise from Youtube with Macy!"

Did Nash really just say my name and Anna's I was gonna freak!!!

"You know who we are?" I said surprised.

"Of course, and what brings you beautiful ladies on this plane to Orlando?"

I tried not to blush but failed miserably and Nash chuckled giving a dimpled grin. HOT DAMN.

"We actually came for Magcon." said Annalise realizing that I was to shocked to speak. Who wouldn't be with Nash's amazing blue eyes? "Cameron called us yesterday and offered backstage passes so we guess we will see more of you guys there?"

"Yeah" I said finally catching my breath.

"I hope" said Nash eyeing me up and down. I don't know why, Anna was so much more beautiful with blonde wavy hair and green eyes. Also she had so much confidence. Not that I minded Nash looking at me he is truly amazing.

We said goodbye and went back to our seats hoping no one would notice us and sat down. Annalise immediately questioned me.

"Mace did you see Nash checking you out???"

"Of course!" I said blushing. I was about to say something else when the plane started shaking.

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