Chapter 30

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~~Anna's POV~~

After the sad news of the Jacks not coming everyone decided to head out to the board walk and explore. We had one of the drivers drop us off near an icecream place right next to the beach. We all fumbled and tripped out of the car running for food. I mean once you have air plane food you kind of want something else. I ordered mr favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and literally everyone got something different. They had a lot of favors. We were all laughing and messing around while walking when I ran head first into someone penny boarding. Damn it my ice cream. I brushed off my hands and looked up. Cameron?!?!

"I'm so so sorry! Wait Anna?" He squinted making sure it was really me and then reached a hand down to help me up. I ignored it and got up on my own pouting because I had dropped my whole cone. Oh well, there would be more opportunities to get food. Nash came up behind Cam and I looked over to see Macy backing away. I walked over to her and grabbed her arm signaling that we should go the other way. By now fans were starting to mob Cam and Nash not really noticing us. I looked back and saw Cams heading popping up trying to look for me. The rest of the crew was also starting to get mobbed so me and Macy made a run for the car and locked ourselves in before we both broke down into tears.

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