Chapter 40

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I just wanted to let you guys know there's only about 3-5 chapters left. I'm so sorry that this book is coming to an end. I have a trailer made and I will be uploading it as soon as I can. Darn it I'm getting emotional. It's a big deal when you start to finish the first book you ever wrote on Wattpad. Especially with as far as this one has come. I'm hoping you enjoy this chapter and I'm so excited but scared for the end. It's almost 1 year since I made my vine edit account. If you don't already follow it its @ lazyhayes and I make of course hayes edits. On February 18th will be one year and I'm trying to get to 600 by then please help out and I love you guys!!!!!!

Flaws- Bastille
Sad Song- We The Kings
Fireball- Pitbull

~~Macy's POV~~

"I'm kidding Macy, I'm only going to kill you if you get in my way. You got a little brain in your head that you think you can use to stop me. Well think again because I will take get Cameron back. He's mine not anyone else's. Tooda lou!" I swear I could hear her smirking through the phone.

After she hung up I decided me Lupe and Anna would go shopping for this "Final Goodbye Show". I grabbed my phone and money before heading out into the living room. Mahogany was also out there so all of us girls decided to go.

Instead of it being a quiet car ride like I had expected it was all talkative and we caught up on everything we missed about each other.

"Guys I need to tell you something." My voice cracked at the end. I would need to tell them the truth.

~~Anna's POV~~

All of us got quiet signaling that Macy could start talking.

"I called Katie to talk to her. She was the one in the car today that almost hit us. Actually she was aiming for you Anna."

The color drained out of my face. She continued.

"We need to be in the lookout for the next couple of days until we are least out of California." I nodded in her direction notifying that I understood. Great now I'm going to be paranoid for the rest of this trip.

We pulled up to the mall and all hopped out one by one.

~~Three hours of shopping later~~

After going into like a hundred stores we all got outfits for the show. A couple fans saw us and immediately came up crying and we hugged them for a really long time. It breaks my heart knowing that I'm hurting them too. (Outfits will be at top/ side depending on what device you read on.)

The car ride back we all obsessed over the brand new clothing. Of course Lupe almost spilt her coke on Macy's new shirt. That would have been badddd.

~~Three days later~~

Today was the day. We would make history. We were all getting ready when Mahogany burst out crying. Which caused all of us to start crying too. A group hug formed with us and all of the guys. I was going to miss them.

After we got ready we filed slowly and sadly into the car.

The venue was a huge outdoor stage with plenty of room for all the fans that would be here. Hundreds were already waiting outside the gates.

~~ 5 minutes before show time~~

We gathered everyone together backstage and I started speaking.

"This is a sad day for all of us. But today's a day for the fans. We need to do whatever it takes to make this the best show they've ever witnessed. There are girls flying here from the east coast from other places in the world and we cannot let them down. So I say we put in the best show the world has ever seen. Get the audience involved, let's do this. We are going down in history!"

All of our hands gathered together as Cameron did the counting.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!!!!!" We all screamed ten as our hands flew up.

Let's get this show on the road.

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