Chapter 33

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~~Anna's POV~~

I didn't have any time to react I stood their motionless. I wish I could say I pushed him away or that I kissed back but I just stood there. He pulled away and looked at me sadness in his eyes.

"Cameron why would you-"

"Anna God damn it can't you see?! I've been in love with you since the moment we met. I've never stopped loving you! I don't care about Katie or anyone else it's just you!"

"Cameron that doesn't mean you can just come and kiss me to make everything ok! You didn't try to talk to me for 9 months! I thought you would come back or call me to apologize but you did nothing! And Katie is your GIRLFRIEND. You can't kiss me and I definitely cannot kiss you when your in a committed relationship."

"I'll break up with her I was only using her as a distraction!"

"That would break her heart and you know it! You exactly the same as you were 9 months ago." I walked farther into my room, with Cameron hot on my tail. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I tried to push away.

"I'll leave. I'll leave right now but only if you look me in the eye and tell me you don't want me at all anymore." I couldn't do that. He knew it too. He smirked.

"You need me, you just won't admit it Anna."

"Leave Cameron. I'm just done with you right now." His smirk slowly went away and a sad look danced across his eyes.

"Ok, but just know I will get you back no matter how long it takes!" With that he stormed out of the room.

~~Cameron's POV~~

She didn't kiss me, she didn't give me a chance. I tried and I'm only gonna try harder.

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