Chapter 32

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~~Camerons POV~~

"Hey Nash Katie's coming over in about 10minutes." I yelled down the hall while throwing on a fresh shirt.

"Wow I thought you would break it off with her, I mean don't you really like Anna?" I pondered for a bit before answering.

"Yeah, but Katie's really sweet and I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings." Which was true I was completely sure she didn't just want me for the fame or money. We went on cute dates and I can't help but think about Anna when I kiss her or talk to her. I tried moving on from Anna because I know I'm not good for her.

I grabbed my phone off the counter and made a quick vine just of me talking and then Nash and Hayes got in the background and started dancing. As soon as I uploaded it I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it expecting Katie but it was Lupe.

"Where's Hayes?" She ran right past me and into his arms.

"LUPE?!" The look on his face was priceless, his arms wrapped around her even tighter and they both stood there. I walked over and whispered in Nashs ear,

"I guess she forgives him!" I chuckled and so did he.

"Yeah I wish Anna and Macy were like that!" My smile faded as he said that.

"Um whose Anna and Macy!" A high pitched voice behind me said.

"Hey Katie! Oh them, their just old friends from when we did magcon! You remember , me telling you about them right?" She closed her eyes to think then opened them wide,

"Oh yeah Anna was your Ex and Macy was her friend. Are they here?" I nodded my head and I could tell she was getting slightly jealous.

"Okay well let's order a pizza or something." I dialed the number and I looked over and Hayes and Lupe were sitting on the couch talking. I saw Lupe motion towards Katie and then ask Hayes something. After that Lupe got up and took her phone out of her pocket.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked no one really in general.

"Second door to your left!" She nodded her head and went down the hall. I followed her to see who she was calling. I heard the dial tone and then someone answered.

"Hey......Yeah.......I made up with Hayes......I'm sorry Anna he already has a girlfriend."

~~Anna's POV~~

He already has a girlfriend! How! God I hope he doesn't break her heart too. Lupe continued to explain what she looked like to me but I was barely listening. (Picture Katie as Selena Gomez) I can't believe he would get a girlfriend right after we broke up. Correction right after he cheated on me while in our date.

I was completely and utterly foolish for liking him. Well we had magcon tomorrow so I told Macy to make sure she was home by 11 or shoot me a text saying she was spending the night so I could get her before the show.

I washed my face and put some short pajama shorts on and a really big tshirt that made it look like I didn't have pants on. I plugged my phone into the charger beside the hotel bed and snuggled into the blankets. I was laying there for like 10 minutes before I heard a knock on the door. It was probably just Macy.

I went over not minding my clothing choice and when I opened the door instead Cameron stepped in.

"Cameron what are y-" I was cut short when he pressed his lips to mine.

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