Chapter 41

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~~Macy's POV~~

A rush of adrenaline went through my body as I looked out into the crowd. Tens of thousands of fans all waiting for us. Everything was silent as we walked on stage. Everyone was expecting us to say something. I could hear some fans crying and other had the biggest grins on their faces. I realized I had the mic so I handed it over to Nash.

He paused a moment before throwing his head back and screaming into the mic,
"LETS GET THIS SHOW STARTED!!!" The cheers were louder than ever as Uptown Funk came on. We danced around for what seemed like hours. We pulled a couple fans at a time up to dance with us and then switched them out.

We hugged fans and got to know them it was amazing.

About an hour in we decided to pass the microphone around to fans so they could ask us questions. We all sat on stools in the middle of the stage and called on girls. There were the basic questions like favorite color, favorite animal, what we like in girls/ guys. But then there were some hard ones like what we are hoping to do in the future. We all planned out long answers and said only the truth. One fan asked if we would ever be together again and I simply answered "I don't know."

It was my turn to choose a fan. "Uhhhh you in the snap back!" They handed the mic to her and I couldn't see who she was because of the hat.

"This ones for Anna!" I passed the mic to Anna who was sitting right next to me.

"What's your name?" Anna said into the mic.

"Katie." My heart stopped and everyone on stage got quiet.

"Okay, um well what's your question?" Anna's voice was wavering as she spoke.

"How do you feel about death?" I saw Katie pull something out of her pocket.

"Well what do you mea-" I jumped up from my chair and in front of Anna just as the loud crack rippled through the air.

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