Chapter 29

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~~Anna's POV~~

Today we leave for our first new spot of Magcon without Cam, Nash, and Hayes. Management decided we would head to LA because then maybe we could meet up with them but honestly I really didn't want to becasue they have been ignoring us for the longest time. It's funny how 8 months ago we thought we were just meeting our idols and then going home, but here we are on tour with them. It's crazy what can happen when you least expect it. Lupe and Macy were sitting in my room at the moment watching me pack. Our flight leaves in about two hours so I kinda had to hurry so we could get through security and stuff in time.

~~Camerons POV about an hour ago~~

Anna and the rest of the magcon gang was coming to LA for a show today and I was nervous, like insanely nervous. I didn't even try to contact her or do anything over these 6 months and I felt so bad. I hope I can make it up to her while she's here and maybe she will forgive me. I know Nash also messed up pretty bad. I guess we both got caught up in being in movies and making YouTube videos we kinda forgot about our best friends. Me, Nash, and Hayes were going to go to the show and surprise the girls and everyone. The show wasn't until tomorrow so me and Nash were gonna head to the boardwalk and hang out for a little bit and maybe pick out some places we could take the crew to see. I grabbed my vans and penny board then knocked on Nash's door to let him know we were leaving. Hayes decided to stay back and play video games.

~~A couple hours later when they land in LA~~

~~Macy's POV~~

We got off the plane and started looking for everyone. Our flight was the last to arrive and everyone was supposed to be here waiting for us. I started looking first for mahoganys hair because that's the first thing I would spot. I saw her standing a few meters away holding a sign that said 'magcon'. I started running over to her and she saw me and dropped the sign. I jumped into her arms like in those cheap movies and we both started cracking up. We started talking but then I looked around for a bit. Where are the Jacks?

"Hey mahogany where's Johnson and Gilinsky?" Her smile faded.

"You didn't hear did you?" I shook my head no in response.

"They aren't coming on the tour anymore, their going to college!" Anna looked over and her face turned into a frown.

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