Chapter 8

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~~Annas POV~~

The last thing I saw was the car speeding right towards us.

~~Camerons POV~~

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. It was all white and smelled clean. To clean. What happened? Then I remembered the alcohol, and the car. DAMN!!!!! I knew we shouldn't have gotten into that car. I tried to move but I couldn't there were so many machines hooked up to me and everything. That's when the chaos started.

"NURSE HES AWAKE!!!!" It sounded like Nash? The nurse ran in and started checking tubes and doing tests man I hate this. I hate needles, hospitals, everything. Then I remember ANNA!!!!

"Is she ok?" I asked no one in particular.

Nash answered "yeah but you might want to talk to her now that she's awake." I was confused and just nodded my head. They unhooked some of my tubes and put me in a wheel chair her room was the one next to me so it didn't take to long to get there. When I came in she was really pale. Oh man she looked bad.

~~Annas POV~~

I saw a boy come in, in a wheel chair. Who is that I thought ?

"Hey Anna are you ok?" He asked with a lot of concern in this eyes.

"Why do you care I don't even know you" I snapped back. Who the hell is this? I wanted to immediately take it back by the look on his face.

~~Camerons POV~~

"Why do you care I don't even know you" tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at her confused face.

• sry I haven't updated in a while school finished a couple weeks ago and I've been really busy. This is kinda short but interesting to you guys like the twist? I'll update more often if this gets ten votes I'll update again tonight !!!!!•

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