Chapter 12

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~~Anna's POV~~

Oh god tonight was date night. Cam called me this morning and told me he was picking me up at 5. We were going out to dinner and then to one of those bouncy places I think it was called Sky Zone. It's currently 4:30 and I was already ready. I was wearing a tight baby blue dress that came to about mid thigh. It was tighter until about the rib cage area then flowed out. I was in love with it. I don't really wear dress shoes so I threw on a pair of white vans. My hair was curled and I only had a little bit of make up on. I looked at the clock 5:55. I grabbed a drawstring bag and put some extra comfy clothes for the Skyzone place. I grabbed my white iPhone 4s and some money and sat on the bed in me and Macy's room i heard Cam knock so I said goodbye to Macy and opened the door.

~~Cams POV~~

I was so nervous tonight. I really like Anna even though we just meant and everything I kind of feel like it was love at first sight. Hopefully she feels the same way. I was wearing a baby blue and white flannel with khaki shorts and black vans with of course Nike elite socks. I walked up to her door and knocked on her door. She smiled when she opened the door. God she's beautiful. We walked out of the hotel and I escorted her to her door of the passenger seat. She blushed and said thank you. On the way to the restaurant I reached over and held her hand. She intertwined her fingers with mine. I could feel sparks I wonder if she could to?

~~Nash's POV~~

Tonight Cam was out on a date with Anna so I decided to call Macy and see what she was doing.

M- Hey Nash what's up?

N- I was wondering if you wanted to hangout in my room?

M- Sure I'll be over in 5.

N- Okay see you soon.

I threw on some sweat pants and a magcon tshirt and waited for her to come.

~~Macy's POV~~

I got on some spandex and a tshirt and threw my hair into a messy bun and took my contacts out replacing them with my big nerd glasses. I grabbed my phone and walked over to Nash's room I didn't bother knocking so I ran in and jumped on the bed next to him.

"Someone's happy" he said laughing at me. I smiled and said yeah. We decided to film a YouTube video a truth or dare video to be exact. We both tweeted our fans and told them to use the hashtag #AskNashAndMacy. When we had enough picked out we set up the camera and sat on the bed. We did the intro and then started reading the questions.

N- "Truth~ Are you guys dating?" I went to answer no but nash cut me off and said not yet. I blushed and smiled and we continued.

M-"Dare~ I dare you guys to kiss!" I looked at Nash and he leaned right in. As soon as our lips touched I felt Sparks and fireworks just everything. The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were trying to fly out. It was perfect he was perfect. I'm falling for Nash Grier.

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