Chapter 22

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~~Anna's POV~~

Magcon was over for this stop but we still had one day to shop or go sightseeing. I didn't really want to and decided to be lazy. Everyone else was getting breakfast and I was eating room service pizza watching Netflix. I heard the door open and I thought it was Cam but when I looked up it was Gilinsky. He came over and flopped on the bed then yawned and looked up at me.

"What are you doing lazy?" He asked me laughing. His smile was perfect. No I like Cam.

"Eating pizza." I said starting to laugh to.

"Let's go to the poollllllllll" he said rolling around stretching. I just laughed and said ok starting to move. I clicked off the movie I was watching which was of course Care Bears I mean what else. Jack saw what I was watching and started laughing. I shot him a mean look jokingly and grabbed my bathing suit and a cover up out of my suitcase. I walked to the bathroom and got changed. I was wearing black bikini bottoms and a floral sleeveless top. I threw a white crop top and jean shorts over. (What she wore is at top or side whatever) I put a little sunscreen on and threw my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my cool shades and stepped out. Holy abs. Gilinsky looks like a sex God. We grabbed towels and made our way down.

"Are the other guys coming with Lupe and Macy?" I asked looking up at him.

"Uhhhhh I don't know. If they see us they will probably join us." I replied with an ok and we finally got to the pool. Hell no I was not gonna be the boring person to sit and tan. I dropped my stuff on a chair and took of my shirt and shorts then I took my hair out and ran over jumping into the pool in a cannonball formation. I came up laughing and then Gilinsky jumped in and I got water in my mouth. I started choking then coughing then laughing. This is so fun. We decided to do races and play underwater tag and stuff like that. We both hopped out to grab a snack and sat down in chairs with our towels. I put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my sunglasses out of my bag. We decided just to talk because we didn't get to get to know each other really well. I took my phone out and was on Twitter while talking so was he so I wasn't being rude. He put his phone down and looked at me.

"Uhhhhh Anna?"

"Yeah" I replied looking up from my phone.

"I really li-" all of a sudden we heard about 20 splashes and looked up to see all the guys and Macy and Lupe jumping into the pool. Me and jack started laughing. I wonder what he had to tell me? Oh well I guess it can wait. I took my sunglasses off and my hair out again and jumped into the pool with everyone with Jack following close behind. We ended up having a really fun last day and went to get icecream. When we got back to the hotel I wanted to crash but we all had to pack and ughhhhh. After packing I went to bed saying goodnight to Lupe and Macy. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.


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