Chapter 7

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~~Cams POV~~

After we finished playing truth or dare we all went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Anna so I texted her. 'Good night beautiful'

~~Anna's POV~~

I got a text from Cameron. 'Good night beautiful' awwwww he was so sweet. I texted him good night and then Macy turned to me.

~~Macy's POV~~

"Did you guys really do it?" I had to know.

"What do you think Macy?" Oh right. Anna was one of those people who waited until they really knew the person. Which was probably the right thing to do. She fell asleep shortly after that so I went on my phone and checked twitter I had a lot of hate from posting pics of me and the guys but I don't even care it's just stupid jealous people. I set my phone down and went to bed.

~~Anna's POV~~

I woke up when my phone buzzed. It was Cameron. 'Would you want to do something today?' 'sure what time should I be ready' '12' 'okay' i set my phone down then went to my suitcase. I dumped all of its contents onto the bed and searched for what to wear. I went with black high-waisted shorts and a white flowy crop top with flowery lace. I put on my white vans and then played on my phone until I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to of course see Cameron.

~~Cams POV~~

I made a bold choice on asking her to go somewhere with me. Thank god she said yes. When I knocked on the door she answers almost immediately. She was soooo pretty. I'm lucky I got to her before any of the other guys. We went outside and hailed a taxi. I smelled alcohol in the taxi and was about to get out when the driver sped away with me and Anna. Hopefully nothing happens.

~~Macy's POV~~

I woke up and saw a txt from Anna that she was going out with Cameron. I hope they got together they would be the cutest couple. I was about to jump in the shower when my phone rang. It was an unknown number. Well I better answer.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi is this Macy Smith a friend of Anna's?"

"Yeah why?"

"Her and another guy were in a car crash today. "

I dropped my phone and it cracked when it hit the ground.

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