Chapter 9

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*********Camerons POV**********

I really can't believe she would just forget who I am. I feel like screaming and crying until I die. I need to talk to her.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Well it might help if you would tell me who you are" she said kinda mean.

"I'm Cameron your..... Boyfriend." I wasn't really her boyfriend yet but I was gonna ask her soon anyways and it might help her remember.

******* Nash's POV********

I shouldn't have told him she was awake. He was going to be heartbroken when he found out she lost her memory and I was right. I could see it in his eyes. He told her he was her boyfriend. Shit. She's not supposed to be overwhelmed.

************Annas POV*********

"I'm Cameron your......boyfriend. " he said looking directly into my eyes. Ugh I don't remember anything and I'm really pissed off. I should remember my boyfriend. All the stupid hospital told me was that I was in a car accident. With Cameron. But what were we doing? Where were we going ? Ugh!?!

His eyes started tearing up and I immediately felt bad. Not that it was my fault. He wheeled. out of the room and another boy with blue eyes chased him out I think his name was nash? The nurse then came in and said she needed to do a quick check up I hope it was quick I needed to talk to Cameron.

"This isn't good" the nurse said looking at charts and pictures.

"What" I asked with panic.

"Well I can't say anything yet but we have to get your body scanned real quick."

"Why?" God just tell me already.

"Well you might have cancer....

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

• SRY it's kinda short but I wanted to add a twist without to much detail. How are you guys liking the story so far? I might update again tonight if I can. Sry again I haven't been updating it's just my summer has been pretty busy but I'll try to update this story along with my Hayes fanfic at least once a week each. So give this chapter a star if you liked it thx guyssss•

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