Chapter 21

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~~Anna's POV~~

I felt someone shaking me and I jolted upright I was drenched in sweat and Cameron was hovering above me with a worried look on his face. I pulled him into a hug on the bed and started crying into his chest. He kept rubbing my back and asking what was wrong but I kept bawling.

It was just a dream I thought to myself. I looked over to the alarm clock and saw it was 2:48am that's a little odd..... Oh well. I kept hugging him until I fell back to sleep. I couldn't handle it. I was definitely still in love with Cameron. I woke up that morning still in cams arms. There were soft snores coming from him and I untangled my legs from his and went to get ready for magcon. I don't really know if I should go. The fans would start to get suspicious though.

Eh whatever. I decided on some light wash highwaisted shorts with a black crop top, a red and black flannel a choker, black knee socks, and my red vans. Screw it I thought I looked cute. I just threw my hair into a messy ponytail and went to wake up cam. I shook him and his eyes fluttered open. He went to get ready in his room or whatever and I just went on my phone for a little. He came back in and sat next to me.

(A/N if anyone's confused from the end of chapter 17 till now was all a dream. They did really get hate and meet Devon and the other girl though. After day one of magcon they went home and fell asleep but she didn't remember because she fell asleep after meeting Devon and Elle when she went backstage. Cameron carried her to her room that's why he woke her up.)

"Do you want to talk to me about what your dream last night was about?" I decided I should just tell him and by the end I was crying again. Good thing I didn't put on makeup. He just hugged me.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said looking straight into my eyes. We both started leaning in and were about to kiss when we heard a camera snap. Macy and Lupe must have woken up. I'll get them back though. Me and cam both blushed and then Lupe and Macy got ready and we left. I stayed pretty close to Cameron the entire time. This was day two of Magcon hopefully that doesn't mean 2x the hate.

I wonder where Devon and Elle were? I tried texting them but they didn't answer eh I'll find them later. We were all on stage doing a Q and A when I spotted someone in the crowd. They had a black mask on and were making their way through the crowd. I excused my self and went around the back way. I kept my head down and started weaving through the fans until I got to her. I pulled off her mask and of course guess who it was. The little miss Barbie Cam was with. What happened next was a blur. She took a gun out of her belt and pointed it right at me. She was about to pull the trigger when someone kicked it out of her hand and then another girl punched her in the face several times knocking her out. Devon and Elle!!!!

I had one of those radio things on my belt for emergencies and I called security and they started to clear out the fans. You could tell everyone was really confused.

Cameron came over and made sure I was alright and I said I was fine and he kissed the top of my head. Then Gilinsky came running over and pulled me into a huge hug. Security took whoever that was away and we decided it was enough magcon for today. We got everyone together and went into the limo and Nash told the driver McDonalds. I mean where else?!?!

On the way there we told everyone what had happened and everything. Lupe was sitting next to Hayes and he whispered something and she blushed. Awwww they were so cute. Nash and Macy were sitting next to each other cracking up. I was sitting between Gilinsky and Cam all three of us we're on our phones. We got our McDonald's and ended up getting kicked out as usual. I crashed in the limo and woke up when we got back to the hotel. Me and Macy slept in one bed and LUPE was in the other. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

•I hope you guys enjoyed this really long update. Sorry for scaring you and giving you the feels in the other chapters. I had to add some sort of twist by I couldn't let one of the main characters die!!! On another note comment what you are being for Halloween also I need someone to play Nash's best friend from home so leave that comment down below I'll leave a spot for both answers. I should be doing homework but I updated for you guys. Love YA!!!!•

What are you guys being for Halloween?:

Someone to play Nash's best friend from home:

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