Chapter 13

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~~Anna's POV~~

We pulled into the restaurant. I could tell already it was pretty expensive. I gave Cam a look but he just smiled back. I smiled because his smile is just contagious. I went to get out of the car but Cam came around and pushed me back in the car and then he opened the door for me while laughing. I was cracking up can this boy get any better? We walked inside and sat at a table near the back. After a while our waiter came and we ordered our drinks. Of course she was a bleach blonde fake Barbie with bright red lipstick and a shirt that looked like it was trying to push her boobs out. I was trying not to crack up until she started flirting with Cam. I gave her a serious look and said

"that's my boyfriend so if you could please not flirt with him while we are on a date?!?!??" She just laughed and continued to flirt with him and he didn't even stop her!! I was so done, I got up and ran out of the restaurant and just started walking to Skyzone I mean Cameron left the tickets in his unlocked car so why not have fun. I called Macy

m- so how's the date going

A- not good this girl was flirting with him and he didn't even stop her or anything.

M- that really sucks do you need me to pick you up?

A- No I'm just walking to Skyzone I mean why let the tickets go to waste?

M- Praise Anna praise😂😂🙏

A- IMMA go now I'll call you if I need anything

M- Okay c YA Anna!!!

A- have fun with nash.

I hung up before she could ask how I knew she was with him. She's so predictable and they obviously like each other. I got to Skyzone and paid got inside and I could never believe what I saw!!! Cameron was sitting in the foam pit making out with the waitress!!!! I marched up to him


"Anna I-"

"NO SAVE IT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR DATE FIRST YOU FLIRT WITH THE WAITRESS THEN YOU TAKE HER TO OUR PLACE AND MAKE OUT WITH HER!!! I REALLY LIKED YOU CAM BUT I GUESS NOT!" Tears were flowing out of my eyes by now and I grabbed my shoes and left. I ran all the way back to the hotel. I didn't even want to be here now. I was getting ready to go in my room when I ran into Gilinsky

"Hey Anna what's wrong!"

"Cam he... He..." I couldn't stop crying. I know that sounds really bad but I thought he really liked me.

"Here lets go into your room and you can explain!" I went in and grabbed some spandex and a big magcon tshirt from my bag and went into the bathroom to change and I washed my face and put my hair in a ponytail. When I went out Jack was sitting on my bed obviously on his phone. I sat next to him and he looked up. I explained everything about Cameron and him cheating on me basically and I cried a little but mainly I was mad at Cam. I could see Jacks face get concerned then angered. He got up and ran out the door. Probably to hurt Cam. He deserves everything coming his way.

• I hope you guys liked this update I'll probably update again tonight.•

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