Chapter 28

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~~Anna's POV~~

Three months. Three months have passed since we left magcon for our break. Nothing's been the same. I barely eat or come out of my room.

I'm doing online schooling and barely ever feel like doing it.

Cameron, Nash, and Hayes moved to LA to get their new 'buisness' going or management. We hung out with them for the first two weeks and then the news about them moving made us even more upset. Mahogany has visited us once and we all had a girls week. It was amazing to see her again, but sad to say goodbye.

I couldn't wait for the next three months to go by because I cant take not seeing all the guys. They were my life. Crazy, but still a big part of me. I scroll through the Instagram picks of the guys living their dreams. Camerons starring in a new movie soon and they are all getting so big. I'm pretty sure the other guys always go out and visit them to make youtube videos and stuff. I just can't wait for these three more months to past.

~~Macy's POV~~
These three months have been hard on all of us and I don't think I can go any longer without seeing Nash. I mean we got together and just like that he left my life almost completely.

We would Facetime, text, whatever we could do everyday but now he's always busy with meet and greets, making videos, or hanging out with famous people. He hasn't even called me in 3 weeks. It hurts me so bad knowing that he's just forgetting about me, us. Mahogany visiting was the highlight of my time home. Mainly it's just been me Anna and Lupe going to the mall and doing fun things. I'm hoping there's a slight chance Nash will call me back or that we are still even together I just keep watching my phone as the days go bye. None of us have been ourselves.

~~Lupes POV~~
I've missed Hayes, bad. Honestly I didn't think he was that big of a part of my life but my views have definitely changed. Even my mom thought I was sick because all I've been doing is moping around. The other girls and I have just been hanging out most of the time and Mahogany visited once which was really awesome. I just can't wait to get back to magcon or visit the boys.

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