Chapter 34

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~~Katie's POV~~

Cameron rushed out just after a girl named Lupe came in. I'm pretty sure she was friends with Anna and Macy. The girls Cam always talks about. I'm pretty sure he still likes one of them or something.

About 20 minutes later cameron came rushing back in. Tears were running down his face.

"Cam babe what's wr-"

"We need to break up." What.

"What do you mean, just calm down!" He was frantically pulling at his hair and pacing around the room.

"I'm so sorry Katie, I'm going to be completely honest with you I still have so many feelings for Anna! I wish I could be the amazing boyfriend that you deserve but that can't be me, my heart belongs to her and I'm so, so, sorry!" Wow ok.

"I understand Cameron, I hope everything works out for you guys!" His face showed absolute shock!

"You understand?"

"Of course, if I had stronger feelings for someone else I would want you to be understanding. So good luck! I'm just hoping we can still be friends?"

"Yeah of course!" I gave him a quick friendly hug before heading out. I had a few calls to make.

~~On the phone~~

"Hey Jenn are you out of prison?....... Great can we meet tomorrow?... Ok see you then!"

~~End of phone call~~

~~Lupes POV~~

Me, Hayes, and Nash tried to calm Cam down and I went out into the hallway to see what Katie was up to. Honestly I got a really bad vibe from her. She was talking on the phone with someone named Jenn. Katie's literally asked her if she was out of prison. After the convo was done I decided I would need to do some snooping.

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