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This chapter is dedicated to a boy in my school on the basketball team who lost his best friend.
"Be easy"

~~Anna's POV~~

It's amazing how in the blink of an eye you can lose your best friend.

The one you shared all your secrets with. The one you cared the most about. Never being able to talk to them or see them again puts an empty place in your heart. You know they will never be physically next to you, but you can feel them still watching over.

Eleven days later we held Macy's funeral.

I was the first to speak.

"When we were kids we pictures ourselves at an old age in a retirement home. Sharing a room together after our husbands had died. We argued about who would die first. But came to the decision that we would die together. We promised that day we would go together. I'm so sorry Macy... We- we couldn't go together."

I broke down.

Of course the guys and mahogany were here so Cameron came up and gathered me into his arms. He guided me down to a chair and I cried into his chest. I quickly remembered the note I had in my pocket and pulled it out handing it to nash.

"Put this in her coffin for me?" My eyes met his and he nodded, understandingly.

We said our prayers and lowered her casket down. We all cried. It was official that I've been through the saddest moment of my life.

After the reception we all walked to our cars. Me and cameron came together. I was walking down the steps of the church when I tripped over my heels. My limbs flailed everywhere hoping I could catch myself. I prepared for he impact but it never came. I realized I had landed right into Cams arms.

My eyes met his.

"You caught me." I said adoringly.

"And I always will." With that he kissed me.

I forgot about everything when our lips touched. I forgot about Macy, Magcon, all the troubles I had been through were washed away. By one boy. Cameron Dallas, the one whom I owed my life to.

The end.



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