Chapter 35

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~~Anna's POV~~

Today was the first day of Magcon California. Us girls were all back in the hotel along with all the guys. I just got out of the shower and Macy was doing my make up while Lupe was picking out my outfit. Speaking of Lupe she's been acting a little secretive and distant. Mahogany had just got into the shower calling dibs right after me. Finally we were all done getting ready and meant up with the boys in the lobby.

We all had grabbed breakfast before we got ready so I was definitely stuffed. My outfit was cute and consisted of high waisted light wash shorts, a purple magcon tshirt tucked in, white vans, and a white flower crown. I had my phone in my back pocket and occasionally checked the time to see when the fans would arrive. Me and Macy were at one of the meet and greet booths and then it was Mahogany and Lupe. All of the guys were with their usual partners.

Around 11 they started letting fans in and you could hear the screams right away. The meet and greet would be until 1 then we would go on stage. Of course there were the criers which were honestly my favorite people. They were the ones who meant the most to me and we meant the most to them. I would give them the longest time and biggest hugs. After about all 800 or so of them went through we made our way on stage. I decided to make the speech for today.

"Thank you all for coming! I hope you enjoyed meeting us because we love meeting you! As a lot of you already know Cameron, Nash, and Hayes are no longer doing magcon because they have gotten better opportunities and I hope you can support their decision. Also, if you glance around they are not the only ones missing. The jacks have decided to take some time off to go to college. But, we have an amazing show for you guys today! SO GIVE IT UP FOR SHAWN, CARTER,...... " as I continued to name everyone off the cheers got louder.

I sat down on one of the stools and the room got quiet, Shawn left the stage and came back with his guitar. Wait this isn't on the schedule Shawn closes the show? What's going on? A path started to clear between all the fans and guess who came walking in the doors?

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