Chapter 27

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~~No ones POV~~

Magcon had gone by really fast and before they knew it their 6month break period had come up. Everyone would go home for 6 months and then come back again for a lot more shows. It had been a slow morning of everyone packing with tears in their eyes. They all got into the van and the driver took them to the airport. One by one people started leaving and the crying started. As each person left they would go down the line and hug everyone sometimes holding one longer than the other. The last people left were Nash, Cameron, Hayes, Anna, Macy, and Lupe. The guys were heading back to North Carolina and so were the girls.

~~Cameron's POV~~

"Good thing we don't have to have sad goodbyes since we live in the same state." I heard Anna chuckle from beside me.

"You know I don't live in North Carolina right? I'm just staying with Nash for a little." Her face fell. She was actually sad about this? I've done so many things to her this trip and I felt so bad. My thoughts were interrupted when the intercom came on announcing our flight. We grabbed our bags and made our way there. The rows could hold four people so it was Hayes, Lupe, Nash, and Macy. Then me and Anna were in seats two rows up. She put her headphones in as we took off and she soon fell asleep on my shoulder I didn't mind one bit. The plane ride went way to slow but I fell asleep too and I woke up to her shaking me. We all got off and grabbed our luggage before finding our parents. Hugs and more goodbyes were given because Hayes and Nash lived in a totally different part of NC then the girls. I was genuinely surprised when Anna decided to give me a hug.

We saw Chad parked out front and hopped in the car.

"You guys pretty sad about leaving I see?" Chad looked at us through the mirror. I didn't realize but we had tears in our eyes and my face along with Nash's was pretty red.

"Good thing we will being going back in 6 months!" Hayes stated. Chad looked confused before he responded.

"You guys do know you aren't going back to magcon? Right? We decided it would be best if we started our own thing because Bart was using you." Everything was silent.

~~Anna's POV~~

We found my mom parked near the side of the airport and I took one last look at Cameron before making way to her car. He didn't even say one last thing to me. That hurt me. I really liked Cameron but maybe it just wasn't meant to be or anything like that. Macy, Lupe, and I got in the car and went on our phones not wanting to talk.

"Are you guys sad about leaving?" She turned around and looked at all of us.

"Yeah but at least we will see the guys in a few months or sooner." Macy said.

"You guys don't know so you?" We all shook our heads.

"Cameron, Nash, and Hayes aren't in Magcon anymore." My jaw dropped open and tears started flowing down my face.

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