Chapter 4

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~~macys POV~~

We got off the plane and started walking through the airport when I saw him. The perfect Matthew Espinosa. I wanted to fan girl but decided to stay mature. I walked over and said hi. He said hi back but then walked away. Wait what? Do I have something on my face? Am I really that ugly? He started walking back over and said

"Sorry I didn't know I had the right to look at someone as beautiful as you." I blushed and he smiled. Why was he so cute?! It was a cheesy pick up line but I really liked it. I decided to start talking to him and we started a great convo. I was about to ask him where the other guys were when a tall blonde walked over and started making out with him. Ewwww PDA much? I wouldn't have minded if it was me but who was she even. Matt pushed her away to look at me. And as soon as he talked I wish I never had said hi.

"Macy this is my Girlfriend Amanda." I instantly knew I was blushing red and I was so ready to punch something. GIRLFRIEND!!!!! So he sat there and flirted with me and he had a girlfriend. I was outraged I felt like I was about to cry so I walked away to find Anna. Like I know I just meant him but come on he was perfect and nice. I though he liked me too. But I guess not. He tried to stop me but I ran off. Was this some kind of joke?!?

I spotted Annalise and walked over to her, then I turned back around and sat on a bench nearby because I didn't want to intrude. She was talking to Cameron and it looked like they were really hitting it off.

~~Anna's POV~~

Could Cameron get any better. He was perfect. I thought maybe he was all looks but I was definitely wrong. We were really hitting it off and I was glad I was so in love with him and he didn't even know. (I forgot to mention they are both 18years old (Anna and macy))

"Can I get your number I know we are staying at the same hotel and stuff but you know just incase?"

"Of course" I said. Who wouldn't want Cameron's number. We switched phones and entered the digits. He put a heart next to his name in my contacts. Geeze he is amazing. We kept talking for what seemed like hours but was really only 10min. I saw Macy run over and then sit on the bench near us looking like she was going to cry.

"I'll be right back Cameron ." Okay he said and gave me the best hug I've ever had. Maybe he did like me !!

"Macy what's wrong?" I asked.

~~Macys POV~~

I spilled everything about Matt and his girlfriend and now he was flirting with me.

"That's terrible Mace!!!!!"

"I know and I thought he really liked me!!" I was definitely in tears now I saw Nash walking over with hayes and quickly dried my tears.

"Is everything alright guys?" Nash asked politely.

"Yeah" we said in sync. We all grabbed our stuff and jammed it all into the MAGCON limo that they sent for us. It was so cool. When we got in there we were greeted by Taylor, Shawn, Jack and Jack, Mahogany, and Bart.

(I can't remember if Bart is the name of the owner of MAGCON/ director so don't hate if I'm wrong)

We sat down and started to get comfortable when Bart started to talk " So all of you except for Macy and Anna know why Macy and Anna were invited right?" I was so confused as I looked at the guys and they all shook their heads yes.

"Well I've decide to invite Macy and Anna into the MAGCON family!"

OMG MAGCON!!!!!! I couldn't believe it I felt like I couldn't breath this is going to be awesome!!! I could tell that Anna was feeling the same way she couldn't stop smiling. We pulled into the hotel parking lot and me and Anna decided that soon we would call our parents to tell them the amazing news!! This trip was going to be 100% better than before.

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