Chapter 5

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~~Macys POV~~
After we all met up and got settled in the hotel we decided to have some fun. We met up in Cameron Matt and Nash's room to do some games. We were all going around pitching in ideas on what to do when I suggested truth or dare. Mistake number 1. Everyone agreed and Nash started.

"Taylor truth or Dare?"

"Dare" he said quickly. What was wrong with truth?

"I dare you to..... Kiss Anna!" I could see Anna's face immediately go red and I stole a glance at Cameron. He looked pissed. Like ready to choke someone pissed. Ooooo he must really like Anna. I would have to tell her that later.

Taylor leaned in to kiss Anna. It was only a 1 second kiss before they both pulled away. I was trying not to crack up at all the tension. Like most of us have only known eachother for a couple of days.

"Ok Taylor's turn. Ask someone." I said without making eye contact to anyone in perticular.

~~Cameron's POV~~

I can't believe Nash would ask Taylor to kiss Anna! He knows I like her we already were talking about it when we were unpacking. After they finished kissing which thank god didn't take long I put my arm around Anna's waist and pulled her closer to my hip. She was mine and only mine. I hoped that no one else here liked her too.

Macy commented about it being Taylor's turn to ask and we started back up again.

"Cameron, truth or dare?"

"Dare. " definitely dare.

"I dare you to.......

• Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I have a lot of homework and stuff like that. If you have any ideas for the dare for Cameron comment them and I will choose one of you guys ideas to use. I hope you like it so far. And thanks for reading😘

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