Chapter 6

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"I dare you to..... Take Anna into the other room for 10min and its up to you guys what you do in there!!"

He was gonna pay for this. I took Anna's hand and guided her out the door.

~~Anna's POV~~

I was gonna kill Taylor. Of course I liked Cameron but I didn't want to say or do anything yet!!

"I have a good idea" I said as we entered the other bedroom.

"What?" Cam asked looking puzzled.

"So we make noises and stuff to make it seem like we're doing something the before we go back to the other room we can mess up our hair and clothes and stuff." I started cracking up and so did he. This would be perfect. Then we didn't have to do anything for real. I started making noises (if you know what I mean) while Cameron did at the same time. We kept silent laughing. When we had about 3minutes left we went into the bathroom and messed up our hair. Cam took off his shirt to add to the effect and zayummmm he had some hot abs. I was staring for what seemed like hours at his amazing body when he noticed and said

"Take a picture it will last longer!" I could feel myself immediately blushing and I covered my face with my hands.

"Don't do that your cute when you blush." I started blushing even more when he said that. He gave me a small peck on the lips before opening the door and asking if I was coming. All I could do was nod my head because I was completely speechless.

~~Cams POV~~

She just looked so beautiful standing there I had to give her at least a small kiss so she knew my feelings. I was smiling when I went to the door because I left her completely speechless. We went back to the room and everyone was staring at us with wide eyes.

"Did you guys really do it because it was really loud?" Nash asked.

"Why wouldn't we?" I said to add to the act.

Everyone was completely surprised and i could tell Anna was trying not to crack up. Hopefully she liked me too.

~~Anna's POV~~

I really like Cameron.

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