Chapter 15

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~~Anna's POV~~

I woke up around 8 and saw I had a couple texts from Lupe.

'I'm at the airport'

'We landed'


'I'm waiting'

Oh shit. I grabbed my phone from the charger and changed into some black sweatpants a red magcon tshirt and red vans. I grabbed my wallet and shook Macy.

"I'm going to get Lupe" she mumbled an ok and I went out the door. The limo driver was already out there so I hopped in and told him TO THE AIRPORT. He chuckled and we were on our way. When we got there I called Lupe and told her to meet me at the Starbucks. While I waited I grabbed a Cotten Candy Frape and bought one for her and Macy. I saw her so I set the drinks down and ran over and hugged her really tight. What can I say? I missed her! We started talking and got back into the limo while sipping on our drinks. She was literally the (Does anyone else say that😂) When we got to the hotel i grabbed Lupes stuff for her and we walked to the room. I walked in and saw all the guys and Macy and Mahogany were there.

WELCOME LUPE. They all screamed. I looked over and saw her gaze was somewhere else. Hayes....

~~Lupes POV~~

As soon as we got in the room I saw everyone and saw one person in particular. He was really tall and looked maybe my age. I knew his name was Hayes because ANNA and Macy always talked about him and all the other guys. I was staring at him for a while when I realized that Anna was waving her hand in front of my face. I got really red because hayes also realized I was staring at him and he just smirked. I also saw that Macy was here. I don't really like her that much. I know that Anna really likes her so I try to be nice and everything.

~~Hayes POV~~

Anna walked in with this REALLY pretty girl. My first instinct was to just kiss her or something. But I saw she was staring at me so I smirked. She blushed really hard. God she's so cute. My thoughts were broken when Matt yelled


Well ok then matt. I said in my head. We all grabbed our phones because we can't live without them and went out the door. We ended up stopping at The Waffle House. Man I love this place.


~~Anna's POV~~

I'm pretty sure Lupe and hayes are getting along good. They sat next to each other and talked a lot at breakfast. AWWWW HOPEFULLY THEY DATE.


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