Chapter 24 pt.2

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~~Hayes POV~~

It was about a 10 minute walk to our destination. Anna and Macy got the car before I could ask. Lupe understood though and it was a really nice night. We had small talk along the way and we finally got to the restaurant. It was just a small Cafe that I had googled when planning this date. I was hoping she would like it. I reached out and held the door for her as she walked in.

"Reservation for Grier." I told the lady at the desk. She seemed to be probably in her late twenties or early thirties. Her name tag read 'Paige'. Paige grabbed two menus and walked up to our table, it was in the corner but there was a window looking out onto the streets of LA.

"This is beautiful!" Lupe remarked looking out the window. I hummed in agreement and we got ready to order.

~~Lupes POV~~

Hayes is so sweet. This restaurant is amazing! The waiter came over and we both ordered Sprites with French Onion Soup and a side of bread. I love bread I mean who doesn't?!


After we were done Hayes of course payed because he refused to let me do so. Him and I walked hand in hand to a park. Cliche I know but I still loved it. We both decided to climb some trees and we got to the top of the highest one. My one foot was on a really skinny branch. Of course I was stupid enough to put it there and it snapped. Hayes grabbed my waist before I could fall and I looked into his eyes.

"Lupe I really like you." Damn those blue eyes.
"I like you too." And with that his lips met mine and that was the ending to the most perfect date I could have ever had.

•Hey guys sorry for my crappy update I just have writers block and I wanted to feature Hayes and Lupe and their little piece of romance. Also, I started a new fanfic so if you go to my account its a Cameron Dallas one called One Chance or One Time I forget but just go to my account and you can find it! Love you guys I'll update again soon!!!•

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