Chapter 3

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~~Anna's POV~~

The plane was shaking and bouncing up and down. I couldn't stop thinking. Were gonna crash. Were gonna crash. Were gonna crash. I looked at Macy and she was trembling with fear. I looked up to see Nash holding Hayes. Awwwww they are so cute. No this is no time to think like that. Finally they came on the loudspeaker:

'Sorry ladies and Gentleman for the inconvenience but we have hit some minor turbulence in should settle down in the next few minutes, thank you.'

We were going to be alright. I took my first breath in what seemed like forever and I could see everyone else do the same. I saw Nash get up and start walking towards us.

"Hey are you guys all right?"

"Yeah it just kinda scared me." I heard Macy say from the seat next to me.

"Same." I said thankful I could speak without stuttering from my nerves.

He went back to his seat and I could see him talking to Hayes.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Macy's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Damn. Nash's eyes were so hot! I could stare into them for a second and look away breathless. I barely heard what he said and I could feel and hear myself answering.

"Yeah it just kinda scared me." I said glad I could say that without being embarrassed. I heard Anna answer 'same' and I could tell she was really a mess with her nerves. I was upset when he went back to his seat I wanted him to stay and we could talk. But I can really not believe he was checking me out earlier. Does he like me? Do I like him? The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was:

'We will be arriving in Orlando in about a hour and a half'

I drifted off thinking about what this could mean.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Anna's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw Macy drift into a light sleep and I could tell she was thinking about boys. Did she like Nash? Do I like Nash? I really don't even know he is amazingly sweet funny and hot but he seemed to like Macy a lot better and it would be mean if I ruined that for her. Cameron is a lot hotter though ;))).

•Hey guys thanks for being patient for the new update I know it was a day late and everything. Hope you guys are enjoying this if there are any suggestions just let me know.•

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