Chapter 38

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~Hey so I wanted to know if you guys wanted me to go through and put playlists at the beginning of chapters? Comment here if you want me to>>>

Also is book is coming to the end very soon probably 5-10 more chapters. At the end if you want a sequel I'll see how many people want me to and I might make one! Thank you so much for your support so far and please keep it up love you all!!!

~~Anna's POV~~

It's about 1 1/2 weeks until we leave California for our next magcon stop. We've all been hanging out a lot since the make ups. Everyone else from magcon is home visiting family until we leave for our next stop. Of course we are still with Cam, Nash, and Hayes. They insisted that we stay with them instead of at a hotel. So that's where we are right now. All of us just sitting on the couch I was comfortably sitting on Cams lap and everyone else was on the floor for some unknown reason.

My phone started ringing as I was tweeting fans and I excused my self before heading into the guest room I was staying in.


"Ah hello Ms.Anna, this is management calling. We have an important meeting that we would like you, Ms.Lupe, and Ms.Macy along with Mr.Dallas and both of the Griers to attend around 3 o'clock!"

"Ummm but they aren't in our company anymore."

"I'm aware but I have their head of management down here along with your other friends!"

"Okay, well I'll make sure we are there, thank you for the call!" I hung up and sat down on the edge of the white duvet covering the huge queen bed. What could they need both of us for?

I walked back to the living room getting everyone's attention.

"Hey so the Magcon management called and they are with you guys' management down at head quarters," I said motioning to the guys, "And they need us to be down there at three for a meeting involving all of us." Nashs head popped up from his phone.

"What for?"

"I honestly have no clue!"

So three o'clock came before we knew it, and we were all late rushing around throwing on random clothing. I just went with highwaisted black shorts and a white crop top to look "professional" kinda ha. We all piled into one car and made our way down.

///At Management\\\

"Ahhh welcome everyone!" I shook my boss's hand as I sat down, as everyone else did the same.

"So I have very important news! Some is bad and some is pretty good! Which one would you like to hear first." No one was really answering so I spoke up.

"I guess bad so then we can get over the "badness"" I put my fingers up using air quotations.

"Well I'm afraid you might not get over this "badness" but, Magcon is over." My heart stopped.

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