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There's something about summer time that gives my heart warmth and sadness at the same time. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Is it because school ended? Or is it because I wouldn't be able to see my friends for a while?

The smell of my dad's whiskey travelled around the living room as he made his way to a chair and sat next to me. He likes to drink a few sips in the morning, too much for my liking unfortunately.

"Any plans for the summer yet?" He suddenly asks out of the blue after inspecting what I've been doing since this morning.

I know he cares for my well being, up to the point where he bugs me inside my room just to ask me what's going on with my life. Now if you ask me, that's good parenting right there. But that was just too annoying for a hormonal teenager like me.

"Probably like every summer. Stay inside the house and read books"

My response this time triggered a different tone in his facial expression. One I haven't seen in a while, and it scared me a little bit to be honest.

I see him tense up and swallowed. What's going on inside his head right now? Nothing good I presume.

"Why don't you go out today Alex? You know? Watch a movie, see a friend, do grocery shopping with your mom"

"You know I can't dad" He very well knows why I can't. I mean, it's not that I can't do all of those things. I can, but I don't want to.

"Yeah, I'm going to do some groceries now. Why don't you come with me?" A wild mom enters the room, car keys on hand some shades on top of the head and she was wearing those dangling bracelets she got during the 80's.

I was being peer pressured, minus the peers.

My mom nudges her head telling me to come with her. My dad gave me his "you better do it or you'll be grounded" look and I could do nothing but give a breathy sigh. So I closed my book and walked out to the car.

I'm starting to believe that they're ganging up on me to be more outgoing with people. It will never happen. I love to be confided in my house or to my secret places, but it also saddens me because I have to do it alone.

I can keep myself occupied enough everyday with my books, but there's only so much I can read and it's only a matter of time until I run out of books to read. Only then I'd worry about the world and what I would do for the rest of summer. Unless I get another book.

Perhaps there's one in the grocery. They sell books there right?

"You're being quiet" Mom notices my absence of attention towards her and or my stress ball. I rarely look out the window to see the fields of grass because my head is always down below looking at that red ball that I'm squeezing. I didn't even notice that I was already staring out in the open and letting my thoughts just run wild.

"I'm always quiet" I calmly retort in response.

She gazes upon me on the corner of her eye. I can sense her slightly smiling, then proceeds to grab my hair and gently caressed my head down to my shoulder in a motherly caring way. I do like these, believe me, but I can never get enough of them.

It's moments like these that I wish time would just stop moving and just repeat this moment right here over and over, this very precious moment of intense loving gesture from your mom. I really wish life worked like that.

But it doesn't and it sucks.

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