Sneaking Out

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It's half past eleven in the evening. Everyone's asleep but me. The serenity of this night calmed my nerves as the crickets sing their song outside the house, fireflies wandering about, flying as high as my bedroom. They never falter, even on strong winds. I can see them as I sit on my chair with my hands carrying my head as I look up at the moon and think about Peter.

I was ready to sleep now. I can feel myself drifting away, being carried by tiredness but I heard something tapping at my glass door on the balcony.

I went to check it out, curiosity nabbing at my brain like a leech saying "What's that? Go check it out!" over and over again like a broken record.

When I got closer, I saw a shadow. A person. Standing outside, standing on my balcony. I stop on my tracks and instinctively grabbed my baseball bat underneath my desk where I had originally placed it.

I was mentally prepared on what I should do. Even though I was a little afraid, I am ready to scream. But as I face the perpetrator, my heart swelled up from both relief and joy.

It was Peter, his back was leaning on the door, and to think I almost bashed his head with this baseball bat was absolutely an insane thought. It's a good thing I didn't. I thought by now I'd be impervious to his charms, but as I tap the glass and he catches my gaze. I'm drawn in once again.

His sly smile captivating me, luring me to open the door, though he didn't had to do it. Just knock and I'd open it for you.

"Hey" I say quietly.

He immediately grabs my back and nape then proceeded to kiss me immensely, no talking, straight to kissing. One had never lust so much before; only now I've felt it in my body. He's gotten under my skin and I can't help but let him in. I take two steps back as I catch his body with mine and move my lips together with his.

As he pulls away to catch his breath, he gazes at my eyes, I can see his, turning golden underneath the moonlight entering my room. He makes out a breathy "Hi" and smiles.

I giggled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he takes a step back and puts an arm around my shoulder, he nudges me towards the balcony. Back to where the fireflies flew aimlessly through the unobstructed space outside my room, the sound of crickets growing louder by the second.

"Wanna sneak out?" He looks downward, to the horizon where the group of tulips I once smelled to forget the feeling I'm feeling right now.

It took a while until what he said dawned on me, sneaking out? Me and him. Sounds exciting.

"And then what?" I was already sold when he ask me if I wanted to sneak out. I just wanted to know what we will be doing.

"I was thinking, of a late night dip" He smiled at me, inspecting my facial expressions, trying to hint if I'd somehow object to his 'seemingly crazy but not really' demand, hypnotizing me with both his eyes and smile, my feelings are nowhere near safe when he's around, but that's okay. I feel safe when I'm with him anyway.

"Yeah. I'd like that." I proceeded to climb down from my balcony. I almost forgot that I taught him how to get to my room undetected, but I am glad that he used this information for occasions like this and not for the reasons others may think.

"Yeah?" I heard him whisper. I nodded to answer.

We quietly went out of the gate and rode to the place he said we'd go.

It was dark, but it's a good thing that I know the path like the back of my hand. We were giggling half of the time on our way to the pond, even though there was nothing to laugh about. Perhaps we were just happy to have this very moment to ourselves. Happy to be with each other. Happy to have found each other.

As I gaze into his eyes one last time before we arrived at the pond, I was being thankful that I went to the bookstore that day. Otherwise, we would've met somewhere else and maybe we wouldn't even be here right now, or worse. Our paths may have never crossed at all.

So I wouldn't want anything else, other than this.

After an hour or two we get back to my room - partly our room - giggling at the drunk man singing 'forever young' in a modest tone that we passed by. He may be off key in some parts but he delivered it quite nicely in my opinion.

We kept singing the same song after we've left the plaza near the place we took our swim, dawn almost upon us, trying its best to catch up to our unrested bodies.

I land back first on my bed feet still touching the floor - the one that I usually sleep on and also the bed that Peter sleeps on whenever he sleeps over. We tried to keep the laughter down to a silent airy laugh as hard as we could but it was hard. I didn't know why we were still laughing our hearts off, must be a no sleep thing.

He sat on the edge of my bed - our bed - still laughing as quiet as possible. In a few moments he rested his body right next to mine, my heart still feeling giddy, I tried to tickle him which was a horrible idea, it made him laugh louder and retaliate by tickling me as well, soon enough we were playing "who gets to pin who" down the bed.

I'm pretty sure I always lose this game, but I'm not complaining as I will end up looking at his ever mesmerizing sky blue orbs.

He was smiling as he pins me down the bed, I gave him a sly smirk just to tease him, tempt him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks with his groggy voice, the moonlight still shining its evening glory in my room bringing the color of his eyes in full view.

"Yes please" I say almost in a whisper and full of yearning as I stare at his hypnotic eyes that're sending me in his very own trance.

He closes the gap between our faces and I brace for a makeout session. He slides a hand gently on my nape, his fingers, warm and slightly rough, he finally plants the first kiss. My fingers find their way through his hair, ruffling them as he dominates my mouth with his mouth. I always liked touching his hair, it's so soft, so luxurious, so free. I tug them as he starts to move from my lips down to my neck, leaving trails of kisses every inch his lips travel to.

If sneaking out at night always led to this, I'd sneak out every night.

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