She Saw

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After dinner, I offered to help with the dishes, but Mrs. Price just refused my offer. Said that she can handle it on her own, but she wanted me to stay. Just to keep her company. So I did.

That's when things got serious.

Peter was upstairs, taking a shower. I'm on my own here, the eerie silence irks me. My anxiety levels are rising just by the mere sound of plates clanging onto one another and the running water doesn't help.

"I can see the way he looks at you Alex." I was surprised when she finally broke the silence. "And I've noticed the sneaky glances you also gave to Peter."

"Huh?" I replied, dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say. She just chuckled, the first time I ever heard it. It's almost close to a laugh. She never even chuckled when we were eating, let alone give a laugh, she just smiled. But even I knew there was something else behind her smiles.

"I have eyes too Alex. Peter likes you. Very much." My heartbeat never reached this rate in my life, not even when I first kissed Peter. It's like I'm being caught red handed stealing a cookie from the cookie jar when I was little. I didn't know what to feel, but I was indeed scared, even if her tone didn't seem to be in an angry or disgusted kind of way. It wasn't neutral either.

So wait, does she know? Was it really that obvious?

"Peter gives the same look that I gave my husband oh so many years ago." I'm treading in dangerous waters. Peter said to not talk about his dad, but...

What do I do now? Do I pry on the topic, or stray away from it?

"Thank you for not bringing Daniel up during dinner. I'm guessing Peter told you not to." She stopped with the dishes. Daniel... It must be her husband, Peter's dad?

It was total silence now. Even the water stopped running. All I can hear is the faint sound of crickets out back and some faint singing from Peter upstairs. "I didn't think I'd be able to handle it up until now, but, seeing you two, made me hopeful again."


"How?" I finally spoke. She turned to face me, smiled and went up to me. She held both my hands, it was cold, must be from the water.

"By showing me love." I'm confused. "The love that you two have. It was so clear to me that even a blind person will see it." How did she know? Were we that oblivious? Were we that careless of our actions? "There's nothing to be ashamed of what you two have. People love. That's it."

She slowly urged me to hug her, and for once, I didn't feel scared at all.

"Just promise me to not break his heart." She whispered.

"I won't. Now can I help you with the dishes?" I tried one last time.

She laughed now. Another first. "I'm good Alex, thank you. But I think someone's waiting for you over there." We broke the hug so I could look behind me. Sure enough, it was Peter with nothing but a towel on.

"Hey sweetie." She added.

"Did I miss something? I heard laughter" Peter asked with a really questioning tone, wondering what the commotion was all about.

"Oh, that. It's nothing. Alex will fill you in, I gotta get back to these dishes. You two kids have fun. But not too much fun." She gave us the 'I'm watching you' eyes. I chuckled, while Peter gave her a weird look.

I walked over to Peter. "I'll tell you upstairs" I whispered as I walked past him. He followed me to his room, which I correctly guessed because I heard him follow me inside.

"So... Mind telling me what all that was about? I've never heard my mom laugh in a long time. What did you do?" He started ramming me with questions as soon as he closed the door.

I just chuckled at his 'urgent need to know every detail' act he's putting up right now. "Your mom knows about us." I said as I sat on his bed.

"What?!" He almost shouted. "How?" His arms were crossed.

"She saw."

"Saw what?



"Yeah, she said you were giving me the same look she gave your dad so many years ago." He went to his closet to put on some boxers and went to sit on the bed beside me. "And speaking of your dad, what happened?"

He gave me a weak smile and motioned me to lay on the bed, so I followed his command and listened.

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